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Friday, June 28, 2013

A strong foundation

Dear Family :

I came across some information and I thought I would share with you !
This article has some interesting insights that are relative to what is going on in my experience.
Create a great day !

What is a foundation? It's the ground on which we build. Obviously if we want to build something that can weather a storm, it's best to start with a sturdy foundation.
So what's the foundation of all relationships? It is the relationship you have with yourself.
If your internal foundation is shaky — has cracks and holes (insecurities and negative self-concepts) — then the relationships you build on top of it are going to feel shaky, too.
However, if you move in the world with a solid sense of self, then you're less likely to crumble when things don't go as planned.
And things aren't going to go as planned.
When we're internally insecure, we naturally try to control the circumstances that surround us. Unfortunately, we fail. Why? Because it's impossible to control things that exist outside of us.
But there's another way: go within to find your strength. That's where your true sense of sturdiness lies.
So how do you do it? Simple (but not always easy): Know who you really are.
When I say this, I don't mean that you know your name and how you like to spend your time (although these things are important). I'm talking about going beyond that — knowing what your true essence is.
Know that you are magnificent. Know that you are supremely important. Know that you are worthy. Know that you are love.
When we know ourselves in a deep, spiritual way, we know that we are much greater than we give ourselves credit for.
Many of us identify with our wounds and faults: "I'm bad at relationships," "I'm not good with money." Or even worse, "I'm not very smart," "I'm not attractive enough."
Look, those things aren't the truth about you. Not even close. Those are your ego's stories — your limited self-concept. But they don't define the real you.
If you identify with your limited self-concept, then naturally you try to get other people to make you feel worthy. But again, any time you're depending on something outside of you to feel secure, you're in trouble. Because everything outside of us moves and shakes. That's the nature of life.
Know that there's a truth that exists beyond all these stories. This is the truth of your soul. It knows that no matter what, you are an amazing person.
Do you make mistakes? Yes. But underneath those mistakes is a desire to do better next time; to let the best version of yourself shine.
Things are going to shake you. People are going to try to convince you that you're not so great. Don't listen to them!
Build your internal foundation. Know who you really are and never forget.
You are nothing short of magnificent. Find this inner source of love and hold on tightly; it will keep you steady through all the changing tides.
Please leave a comment below and tell the truth about you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Photo Credit:

Greetings to all our relations all across the world . YOU ARE FAMILY !

Greetings Family !
To all our relations from every space all across the world. !

I have posted many blogs with a lot of different information . Some may conflict with other information . I am not telling you what to believe or what truth is for you. The experience in your life, if you are paying attention speaks for itself . I do ask you while you are alive not to live with fear but courage. Know thyself .
Who are you beyond your needs , wants or fears?  .I invite you to  Find the balance in your experience and do your own part to remain centered regardless of situations that present themselves moment to moment.
 I invite you to take a look at creating without being selfish or expectation of outcome or result, without self seeking . Can we do this ?
 I can . I enjoy the play of form around me . I enjoy this body I am in , I enjoy each and everyone of us 7 billion plus  , that are  original and authentic , beautiful with every subtle characteristic with many similarities and differences.
 I enjoy living  life , however i  do not find the joy and excitement from any one or any thing that is in my life. Its not something i have to seek , as its already available to me . Regardless of the situation and or individual I am still going to be left a choice, which is to be sad , mad, happy or whatever. I choose to remain centered . I choose to keep the joy in my life every moment.

I think Once the  fear is been dealt with , any individual  can just enjoy the play of form without trying to control or manipulate it . There is a natural Flow that occurs when one is open and aware and no longer attached to an expected outcome or individual . 
No matter where you are or who you are , I love you !  You are not alone !! We are not alone !

I invite you  take your life to higher levels .
Lets go ! I love you !!!


Thursday, June 27, 2013

words that you may understand :)

Maintaining equilibrium,
amidst the intensity of the centrifugal force ,
I am creating by understanding the processes in motion ,
As i take the steps up the spiral staircase,  i release and let go of that which holds me back from being. ( arrogance, fear, hate, judgements, selfishness, apathy )

I will be moved not by desire of certain expected outcome, however i will be moved to take direct action with solutions and blessing regardless of condition . I walk with the few that have make a choice every moment to live life and create a masterpiece with one another .
 IT happens for me  when there is  an Awareness of all of my thoughts , emotions, and actions and how these will assist in co creating  the world WE live in.

 I ask myself , Where is my focus?What am i doing each moment that contributes to thriving community  ? What lessons am i learning in this very moment ??
As i continue to shape and form the vessel , co-creating , transforming, transmuting, I come across from  moment to moment what some would call challenges, or problems. Now for me to agree to this would not sit with me  . I would like to take a moment to consider a different way to look at the situations that presents itself. I would like to suggest that instead of another problem  or challenge, it  is an opportunity for creative growth and wisdom to be understood and applied .

Why are we still violent and aggressive? Why are so many so lost, scared , and confused?
What can be done differently so next time our actions result in better results? 

Lets take ourselves to a higher level of being , one that i suggest was we were born to live . Lets shift our focus towards thriving communities with gardens ( diy seed to table farming working  more with the elements for our energy use.

Moving past depending on one or just few resources or controlling those resources.
All those who choose to  make the choice will  save themselves. We are the ones we have waiting for . !
We will  shine together to light up the darkness. I love you family ! This love and appreciation goes out to all who read these lines and to those that call this effort a waste . I love you unconditionally !

Questions for reflection

What am i doing in this moment to take responsibility for creating a living work of art , masterfully?

What am i creating this very moment with my thoughts, words, feelings and actions ?

What ideas that i have  can be landed into form that will assist in thriving communities?

What are the steps in the process ? Am I all into assisting in the regeneration of humanity?

how am i creating  with the energy current running through this body that i have  in this moment  to moment ?

What have i been gifted with ? What are the Skills, abilities that i develop?

Am i more focused on consuming matter or working with the building blocks to start a new foundation that is strong and interested in growth mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and  physically ?

Who, What am i grateful for ?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

know thyself :)


1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
2. Accept those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealously and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
4. Treat the guest in your home with much consideration. Serve the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.
5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.
6. Respect all things that are placed upon mother earth-- whether it be plant, animal, mineral, water, land, or human.
7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. allow each person the right to personal expression.
8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you.
9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.
10. Bad thought cause illness of the mind, body, and spirit. Practice optimism.
11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. We are one large family.
12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.
13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.
14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.
15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.
16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.
17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others - especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.
18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.
19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.
20. Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Ceramics and how i relate it to my own transformation in life .

In these moments occurring now now now , i am experiencing this which i call life . It is continuing to amaze me frequently how special of a opportunity i have to help maintain balance and create a living masterpiece. There are many times that i do get thrown off the wheel. It is a matter of re wedging myself  , placing my self center in the middle of the wheel and  working with the intensity while maintaining balance amidst the centrifugal force. Once i maintain balance and i want to go for the next step i begin to open up like i open up in the center of clay on the wheel. I am paying attention to all the flow that is opening up in my self , while dealing with the drama of the outside world and the intensity that surrounds . There are moments when closer observation is necessary to see past old thoughts and beliefs. I  know this in my own experience. I choose Reflection and observation without judgement or condemnation and this is important for me to remember moment to moment.  If i see something needs to be addressed it most likely something i want to deal with rather than make it another's responsibility.  
After all i am the one at the wheel with the vision. It is important in each moment that i pay attention  to my actions so when i begin to shape the clay in the middle of the wheel by raising the walls under pressure the form will continue to take shape , ready for the next step in development. After a while of throwing clay on the wheel i have come to a realization that my body is  ceramic vessel on the wheel of life  that I am working with and i am the creator of that vessel in the time it is in this form  . I serve life , like the ceramic vessel i bring potential for many uses , many functions , all functions that serve the purpose that those who touch it will thrive and thrive well .  Whether or not i am a cup , plate, storage jar , lamp , etc it  is important but not to the level that the cup says , I'm cup , watch me serve you ! It just is cup or a plate or whatever , it still has serves purpose in assisting in thriving community.
Going back to the wheel once more we will look at the next few steps in the process of ceramics and i will express how i view the connection .
Taking the next step in development on the pottery wheel or the wheel of life i think requires a little more attention as there is more that is going on . Staying centered is important while performing tricky techniques .
Once the basics are learned , certain actions/techniques that are in alignment with the vision can be performed resulting in further development of the shape . This shape being that i am, you are , and god is .
In every moment of working with the vessel we are exchanging energy and working with matter . It is important in each moment how i respond to all the variables in the space that i am creating in . Lighting , Humidity , Air flow/ventilation are a few of things to consider when working in pottery studio . A lot of the time due to one thing or another the artist has to deal with certain conditions until improvements are made. This requires patience within thyself .  This does not mean that it is impossible , it just is one more opportunity for creativity and innovation . One more example of transmutation at work .  Within the space of myself, my own vessel on the wheel , it is important to remember while the conditions outside myself are not always going to be the way i like them , it is an opportunity for me to be creative and focus on the vessel at hand .
Once one has achieved the shape of the vessel that is closer to the vision  , the next step is taken . The vessel is carefully moved from the wheel to a space for drying , or more clay be added for more function and aesthetic appeal . The beauty and the function work together . It is mix of both that make the vessel original and authentic . Every detail no matter how subtle offers value.
Once the vessel  is at this stage in development it is ready for an initial firing called bisque fire . The other is the glaze fire. One does not have to glaze fire , it is only an option left to the creator .
I kind of think of it like dressing up , i have the option to do it , but i may or may not.  Its my personal choice and i have the option to dress as nice as i want to . It is not  the glaze itself that is needed for the vessel to serve the thriving of the community as it is only a part of it . The beauty is seen and recognized with or without the glaze.

Going through the fire both for myself and vessel  that i create , more intensity will refine this matter into a solid functional and beautiful vessel that will serve the thriving of the community, both Individually and Collectively.
It is important for me to hold myself together while experiencing centrifugal force of the wheel and the Intensity /high temperatures. When i fire cone 10 , it is around 2381 Fahrenheit !  Talk about some heat! Whew!
There were times when i rushed through one part or another of the process without paying attention to each step in each moment of the process. This caused some very disastrous consequences which include a kiln explosion. This is when i did not wedge the clay properly in the beginning which resulted in air being trapped inside the clay. When i fired the clay the air expanded and made a explosion in the kiln. This sometimes would take out other vessels in the kiln. I relate the air being trapped inside to all of emotions , thoughts, ego that sometimes are still present, under the surface. When these become trapped and it is put under stress or high temperatures it cracks, explodes and may take out other vessels in the immediate area. This is why it is important to have patience through the process and take our time , being full of care and very aware of what we create and how it will contribute to the thriving community, within ourselves and then we can  extend out into a space of thriving community external to our personal and intimate  living experience . The outside is a clear view to the inside.

The wheel is just one method  of shaping clay. There are many techniques with many different kinds of tools.
Regardless of the artist or the tools used , there is vision and action . Vision and action work very well for me in the creative field and it is both that assist in the creation of the vessels. In the 20 years that i have working with clay I am learning more patience. I am learning how to stay balanced whatever wheel i am on , with whatever intensity. I am not expecting the vessel to turn out great , as i know it will, so long as i put myself all into creating while maintaining balance, within myself and the community that i live in .

Thank you for your time of reflection .
May the blessings be ! <3 nbsp="" p="">Create a great day ! ( I invite you to create a living work of art .
May the blessings be !

Thursday, June 20, 2013

i invite you in this moment 2......!!!!!

Let us be aware of all the intensity that is happening in these moments across space . Let us see ourselves for who really are. Let us understand the wisdom that is shared . Lets apply this now !

We are experiencing much change individually and  collectively  right now . It is the time be strong and remember why we are alive and breathing. Let us be aware of when we are not centered and bring ourselves back to balance  It is time to use these moments to create anew. Let us be aware of the choice points in every moment to be the full authentic expression we were born to BE!   I will continue to push on , even in moments of not knowing what is going to happen next. How do we respond to challenges presented to us ? Individually , collectively?
What are the solutions that will assist in co-existence , respect and being free ?

  There are many who are tired and weary .
I invite you to assist in raising the vibration . Lets link up and participate in actions that will assist the transition  from surviving and thriving. I understand that in order for this to work i have to work on my own self and continue to be a better man for myself , family, friends and all other beings throughout time and space .with each individual taking care of health mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  I love myself and you unconditionally forever.

I found these next few paragraphs on the net and i thought i would share for consideration . enJOY!

As we gradually make our way spiritually-wise into ever new territories of inner remembrance of what it is we came here to learn and accomplish, we tap into a vastness of knowledge and sentience that is literally infinite. We connect with the Source of this Universal Dream we are cocreating and comanifesting. We adjust our puny little sense of self several notches up until we can fit easily into the greater sense of Who We Are, and even if this inner matching of vibrations and awareness lasts a mere flicker of an instant, it is enough to open infinite vistas of possibilities, realize the magnificence of It All, and often make tears appear on our smiling face as unimaginably potent streams of Love burst through our entire Being in a radiating pattern that reaches to the confines of this planet and well, well beyond.

Change is all about neutralizing within ourselves any kind of ego-centered certainty and surrendering through bliss-filled tears into the embrace of the Higher Self, the Immortal Soul, the Infinite Being of Love we each are in essence. It is opening the floodgates of Divine Light pouring, overflowing and expanding ad infinitum through us. It is unreservedly accepting our True Divine Nature, going with the Flow of Love that spills out endlessly from the Well of Wisdom and Clarity shining at the core of our Being, and soaring ever higher on the waves of Sentient Perfection echoing the Omniversal Creator enshrined into each speck of matter, energy and consciousness throughout the entire dimensional range of Reality. In short, change is shifting up.

What is expected from each one of us in nothing less than remembering, accepting and integrating in every facet of our existence, and within the very fabric of our waking consciousness, the fact that we each are a Living Miracle, the embodiment of Universal Perfection, and the co-Maker of our evolving reality. All we need to do is ask... Ask for a universal upgrade... Ask to have our physical self, brain, bones and blood, adjusted to the higher frequencies now seeping through every atom of our physical reality to catalyze and precipitate the Shift of Ages into an unprecedented era of Heaven on Earth, Blissful Happiness in every soul, and ongoing Communion with the universal family of souls living throughout this galactic Milky Way and beyond in the Grand Symphony of Light, Life and Love...

~ Jean Hudon

Please remember you are not alone and there is support to help you in these times .
Feel free to connect with me if you like
may the blessings be !

please consider and think for yourself!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

who am i ?

I am you are god is

I transmute ignorance into awareness .

I transmute arrogance into humility.

I open myself to all that is , above , below and center too !

I go beyond the surface of superficiality into higher levels of being.

I create new healthy relationships with love, patience , and courage !

I expand the love within and around .

I accept others . I accept thyself .

I honor and appreciate the value of being in this body .

I honor and appreciate elders that are more experienced.

I am grateful that elders have a held space for each and every individual to continue
I am grateful that elders have passed along accurate information to assist us in our journey.

I give thanks for the specific capacity of consciousness which i am represented and the work that is accomplished .

I welcome each opportunity to reveal in every moment the noble magnificent presence that I am .

I let the divine currents of my presence flow through my temple form and into the world with blessing.

I acknowledge thy work as a creator , an essential part of the cosmic whole.

>I am you are god is <

are you ready ?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

shaman drums (playlist)

The Most Spectacular Way to Live

The Pulse of Spirit

Fresh Thinking, Inspiration, and Vision on the Process of Spiritual Transformation

Do you feel a growing intensity? I hope you do because intensity is a sign of life. The critical factor is how that intensity is experienced. It is either happening to us—we are victims of that intensity—or it’s happening through us. And how we are experiencing intensity is determined by our state of mind. Our thoughts either revolve around the magic of creation or around the perceived pathos and drama of our life.
It’s not that there is nothing happening to us. There is something happening in our world all the time. But the main event for a person who is truly free is creation, and the intensity that is felt is the power for that creation.
Personally, I am seeking more intensity in my life, not less. When I reflect on my world and all that I am about and what is happening in my world, I want to bring an intensity of current—greater love, greater penetration of whatever is not true, greater penetration of the darkness to bring light.
Intensity gets dangerous for people when they are attempting to avoid it. What the person often doesn’t realize is that the primary intensity they are feeling is from within them, not from other people or circumstances. The creative spirit within them sees the circumstance, however it may be evolving, and wants to have a creative influence upon it. That creative spirit demands entry into the person so that it can move through them and act in the world. If you attribute the pressure your own spirit is bringing to you to other people and circumstances, you stop the creative process. And attempting to avoid that pressure and intensity, you may be unwittingly attempting to avoid the flow of your own creative spirit. Of course, the ultimate avoidance of intensity in this way is death.
If a person feels intensity and doesn’t understand that it is related to the creative spirit within them that wants out, then they may miss the opportunity to participate in that flow. They may not see that the creative current within them needs a way to ground in the world. Electrical current is far safer if it is grounded. So is the spiritual current within a person. So if there is great creative intensity working through you, you have to have a way of grounding that intensity, of putting it to good use, of living your life in a way that manifests that intensity with integrity.
Often people believe that spirituality is good, that they will live a better life if they pursue their spirituality. That’s only true if they find a way to ground that spirituality. If you truly are opening up to the current of universal love, you are plugging into an amazing power. You are welcoming that current into your being. When you do, it is looking for a creative way to ground, to manifest in your life. And it will do you no good if it isn’t grounded.
Whatever spiritual opening there is in a human life has to be matched by integrity in the world, which grounds the universal current that has increased in the human capacity. The integrity that is needed is the whole and accurate expression of the current of universal love. That’s what lets the power within us flow out, unadulterated and unchanged. Yes, maybe transformed, so that it can be in this world through human form, but still unadulterated, uncorrupted by any preoccupation with drama.
Today, there are people around the world, performing a spiritual act together. We are coming together. We have come together, not in physical space but in a space in consciousness. We have come together energetically. That experience is both a state of being and a conscious choice. We have come together for a particular reason—to let the spirit within us collectively address the world as it is.
Do you believe you have that power in consciousness to connect with people around the world and come together with them energetically? I know I do. I prove it to myself when I travel and meet people in various parts of the world. But conscious energetic connection doesn’t depend on travel. So knowing I have the ability to connect in this way, I know that you do too. Even if you haven’t yet found that capacity in yourself, I know you have it, and I know we have it collectively.
In this moment, as you read these words, I invite that coming together. To evoke that experience, think of the story of Pentecost. It is fresh in my mind because on Sunday, May 19th, I was invited by Clive Larsen to offer the sermon in his church in North Reddish, England, on Pentecost. The occasion celebrates a biblical story of 120 people that were in what was described as an upper room after Jesus’ ascension. They came together in one accord and in one place. And, coming together, a process unfolded whereby universal love became real to them in an immediate way. Could we, as people around the world right now, come together with one accord in one place? That requires that we leave behind whatever is in our past. That past will go wherever the past goes and wherever memories go. We are not booting it out with dishonor. There is a way to set down the past that is honorable, with gratitude to it for bringing us to this place and time so that we can be fully present here and now, fully present in spirit, with an open heart available to join with others.
Magnifying creative spiritual energy with other people, what I find is that this work can’t be done without an open heart. There is no way to be a powerful source of unconditional love with a heart that is shut down, that is tied up with the drama of the past. So we are present here and now to let go of all that. To whatever has brought us to this place, “Thank you.” We are released to be fully present here and now. And being fully present, we are released to be with one another, heart to heart, being to being, gathering together with people around the world. Wherever people are awakening spiritually, our hearts can be available to them right now, so that together we can create a collective crucible, a collective vessel that creates a home for good, clean, and healthy intensity—not intensity that’s going to fry our circuits but intensity that we agree to ground in our living.
The depth of our own heart, the depth of our own communion and our own openness, allows us to receive a depth of current from within ourselves, each of us individually and then all of us together. In that, we are being empowered from within to receive healing. Healing is born out of integrity with the current of universal love that flows from within us. Experiencing that flow personally, we have that to bring to our world. We become empowered to manifest it in our life, giving birth to forms that embody it, each in our own individual ways and then all of us together.
My recent experience of sharing the current of universal love includes traveling in England, Wales, Norway and Holland with Ruth Buckingham and Phil Richardson on our Practical Spirituality Tour.We affectionately called it “Trains, Planes and Automobiles.” It was great to meet new people in many places and go to spiritual depth with them. Our experience included travel adventures, including finding ourselves in Heathrow Airport for ten hours after it had been shut down for a time on May 24th following the emergency landing of a jet. Our travel included a train ride to Voss, Norway, to be with Kari Bye and friends. That part of our journey took us alongside a rushing river swollen with spring snowmelt. Altogether, our tour was an experience of being in the world, and it made me think about my life and then about what we are about together.
Sometimes at Sunrise Ranch, where I live, we have said that it’s a place set apart, and in some way it is. But more and more, the world is coming to us. We have the Arise Music and Camping Festival at Sunrise Ranch on August 14th, for about five days, and the world will definitely be coming then. So if it is a place set apart, it will be set apart for a lot of people. We are in the world, even if we have been a little “out of the way.”
My recent experience leads me to ask this question: How about this recipe as a fulfilling life? Be as far out there in the world as you can go. Enter your world as deeply as possible and with as much breadth as possible, and bring as much of a gift to that world as you could possibly bring. And then, at the same time, holding the other end of the spectrum of experience, open up to the highest and the most beautiful, the most gorgeous reality of being that is within you, and open as deeply and as profoundly as you can to that inner reality. Then let that inner reality flow through yourself out into that furthest reach of the world in which you live, receiving back what comes, however it comes; receive it into yourself and offer it all the way up, as high as it wants to go.
That is a recipe for allowing our humanity to be cracked open, because definitely you and I would have to come totally out of our human drama to be up for this one. We have to be totally at the service of that which could come through us and could change this world in which we live. We have to be committed to integrity in action that grounds the spiritual current to which we have opened.
Spiritually awake people are coming together for this. This is what we are doing with people around the globe—opening to the highest vibration of universal love and letting that penetrate the world. We are taking this process to its ultimate conclusion, which is the total transmutation of the human experience. This is the Pentecost experience.
There are the more personal dimensions of my life and of all our lives. There is a closer-in reality than the world-at-large, and there is no skipping over the things that are closer in.But what if the immediate things that come to us are all part of this opportunity to bring the profound gift that we have to bring to the world? What if we see the immediate events of our life as the world-at-large coming to be with us to receive this gift?
We come together in one place with one accord to be about exactly this: opening up to higher and higher ranges and awareness of being, so that we are clearer and clearer in our attunement with those ranges. And therefore that reality is coming through us in a more and more lucid way, in a clearer way, in a more spiritually empowering way, in a wiser way, in a more intelligent way, in a way that has greater perspective and then greater reach into our world.
Maureen Waller and I are currently in South Australia at the Riverdell Spiritual Centre, with Andrew and Lyell Horwood and friends. I don’t know Maureen’s age, but she is older than me anyway. Many people her age have retired, not only from their vocation but from life itself. She got on a plane and went halfway across the world because she knows she has a message of import and of value to bring, and she knows that she has nothing better to do in her life than that. I’m so proud to be traveling with Maureen and to be offering this gift with her.
This past Saturday, 33 people joined us for an in-depth exploration of our spiritual journey entitled Change: Navigating Life Transitions.We will be offering a four-day Practical Spirituality workshop on Saturday, in which we will be assisting people, first of all, to have a large vision of who they are and what their life is about, and then assist them with the practicality of what it means to receive universal love and act with integrity around what they have received.
We are very serious about bringing what we have to bring to the larger world. For me personally, I have no great need to travel—I don’t think Maureen does, or Ruth and Phil. But I am interested in acting with integrity and effectiveness to bring to the world what is mine and ours to bring, to the highest of my ability now. I believe that’s the calling of each one of us. I propose to you that our greatest spirituality is in allowing this great spectrum of experience to be had by us, from the outermost to the innermost, from the deepest to the highest. That could be the most spectacular, the most magical, the most ecstatic way to live a life. That could be the fulfillment of why you are here, and why I am here.
When this is our experience, we are on fire with people around the globe who are sharing this magnificent experience. I am on fire with those who share this sacred agreement, who lock arms and join hearts to be together in one collective field of consciousness, saying yes, we are here for this. We are on fire together. It is the fire of love that warms and holds us together and forges one body of love on earth. It is that fire of love that is what we are bringing to the world. It brings a blessing and brings the light that is inherent in that fire.
So whoever you are and wherever you may be, you may not be traveling the globe on planes, trains and automobiles, but you’ve got the world that is yours to touch and to bless. And your challenge, like mine, is to be open enough to receive the highest reality within you and to have the courage, the determination and the commitment to bring that internal reality into your world. You have that gift to give. And if you ever forget that you do, just let me know, and I’ll remind you. We have that gift to give.
So thank you for being together today, for communing with me and with friends around the world in this openhearted space where we share together this sacred agreement. And if there is any kind of faltering or any kind of misunderstanding, any kind of failure along the way, we can just forgive ourselves and others and let that fade into the past, and then recommit. We are here for this.

David Karchere
June 10th, 2013

The Spirit Nation

The Spirit Nation

Rhyming communication, enhancing realization
Be active in the preparation of your station
For the ongoing calibration of your vibration
To a higher elevation in this material nation
In a sincere affirmation of divination and holy individuation,
Follow the gentle condensation of sensation through meditation
And receive vital information for your present incarnation
As a body manifestation, you are a living presentation
Of unlimited transformation
Through the faithful application of divine inspiration
With your concentration of creative imagination,
A light-filled pulsation moves throughout creation
Sparking the formulation of a new generation
Of conscious consideration and collaboration
Enjoy the revelation and infinite celebration
Of pure joy and elation through the transmutation
Of the illusion of separation from the spirit nation

Gary Goodhue is an author, actor, poet and spiritual aspirant. Gary has been exploring universal success principles, personal development and spiritual concepts for most of his life. He has studied at the School of Metaphysics, as well as teaching classes and serving as branch director for one of their sixteen school centers. He was also involved with the Community of Light and is currently living at Sunrise Ranch, headquarters of the Emissaries of Divine Light. He is involved in their Full Self Emergence Program and serves in multiple capacities on the ranch and in the community. He works within different departments and also has started participating in the EDL ministry program, sharing spiritual truth and reciting original works of poetry, as well as writing blog articles for the website. Gary is looking forward to deepening his relationship with the Emissaries and serving in greater capacities as the spirit of love expresses through him into larger levels of manifestation and experience.

Monday, June 3, 2013

are you really aware of what is going on ?


Who, what, when, why, and how activity

I suggest you think carefully about each one of these questions. Think for yourself!

This activity may  help each individual understand and know thyself better. 

*Who are you?

(Go beyond your name, personality, career or job …..)

*Why are you alive?

*What steps are you taking in each moment to create your fate?

*What habits do you have?

Do these habits support you?  

Are there parts of yourself that you want to leave behind?

What are they?

(example : I release habits and attitudes that prevent me from being  authentic in my relationships with others as well as the relationship I have with myself . )

How do you react/respond when something happens that you don’t like?

*What activities do you find yourself interested in?

*How do you express yourself when you are?

a. excited/ joyful

b. angry

c. sad

d. afraid

e. centered and balanced?

*What do you care about?

*What are your strengths?

*How do you create solutions with challenges arise?

Are there parts of yourself that you want to leave behind?

What are they?

 if you are mature enough to handle the fire , write that wish you would like to let go  down on paper and then throw the papers into a fire or burn them while speaking words similar to these. Make sure you are writing and speaking with affirmation . 

(example: I release habits and attitudes that prevent me from being  authentic in my relationships with others as well as the relationship I have with myself . )

After answering these questions how do you feel?

Mind ?

