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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I am

I am the mouthpiece that articulates the truth that resides within
i am we , we are you
we are absolute is I
i am you reflecting back
everything within you  
reminding others of our own sovereignty , our own personal response ability to create beauty and share our gifts with another in common unity .
I am open , present, aware , and clear
I am new in every moment , creating with the eternal essence i am
I am a reminder of our own creative potential  of the eternal artist .
I am a living work of art , a masterpiece  of truth and love
I am order, I am chaos, I am every degree between
I am on the edge between the form and the formless
I am balance , I am center
I am shining light into darkness revealing shadow
I am all flora and fauna
I am alive in every dimension
moving from one plane to the next freely
I am extra terrestrial.
I am in the world , not of it
I am response able
I am the wave , I am the water,  flowing freely
I am the spark  I am the flame
I am the fire that burns
I am the breath  of air that fills the lungs
I am the blood that flows freely
I am the caged bird that flies free
above all restrictions and limitations
singing the sweet song of sophia
playing the music of spheres .
I am solar, I am lunar , I am electro-magnetic
I am free to be
I am the cosmic jester playing jokes ,
I am raising awareness through
laughter , actions of  joy , with active excitement and participation
I am of an energetic signature and i play my soul song
I am nothing , yet i am everything
I am the winged lion that moves across the surface of the waters with grace
I am a master of light and a being of Unconditional love
I am honoring our  core commitment with  others serving truth thought action with unconditional love .
I am awareness  and receptivity
I am one who the conscious power to be present
I am grounded in the radical acceptance of reality
I am the benevolent one  
serving others as i serve self
I am the valor , the boldness , being the spark that creates fire .
i am a co creator with a vision  creating reality
I am action that inspire others to take creative action , sharing their talents , skills , abilities . with one another .
I am brave  ,
I am one who answered the call to courageous action , calling others to overcome fears and desires of the mind to create thriving abundance for all our relations for the following generations.
I am my own health care , I am the illuminati of my own reality , I am the government
I am a avatar
I am the answer to my own question .
I am one as you are one .
I am expressing the love that i am we are . being of service to anyone regardless of circumstances
I am cleanliness honoring everything organized and in beautiful  place .

I am honoring and appreciating our common unity/ family
honoring and loving all our relations, all living beings , no matter what the perceived difference
I am everything , and every 1
i am we are eternal is

I am both the Whole Consciousness and the Individual Consciousness contained within the Whole Consciousness simultaneously.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


( Our inner Lover has the ability to)   Connect and engage: with own emotions, creativity and
sexuality; with other people at an intimate level; with the wonder and beauty of the world, and with the spiritual dimension beyond and inside self. 

How about we shine light on the shadow some more ? 
Shining Light on the shadow 
The Deflated Lover:

The Stoic
Your Deflated Lover manifests the following characteristics.

Fears being alone or abandoned (gets small)

Has a hard time having fun

Prefers not to explore emotion

Has no need or desire to pursue art, beauty, wonder

Has a hard time connecting with others at a personal or intimate level

Tends to be unfeeling or to go numb

Denies the need to connect with the spiritual dimension

Tends to
be distant or alienated from others

Is sexually inactive or impotent

Tends to feel vulnerable, like a lost child

May create and then hide in a fantasy world

Is easily shamed.
The Inflated Lover:
Your Inflated Lover manifests the following characteristics.

Fears being alone or abandoned (gets big)

Is prone to addictions (e.g., money, possessions, food, pleasure, work)

Can be easily flooded emotionally

Tends to be consumed or overwhelmed by his/her emotions or desires

Is sexually restless, perhaps unfaithful

Tends to be “swept away” in relationships

Falls in love, and out of love easily
, or forces his/her love on others

Finds himself/herself in stressful, unhealthy, or codependent relationships

Lives his/her life in emotional extremes

Lives only in the moment
; seeks the ultimate and continuous “high”.

Is prone to fanaticism or idolatry
; is easily consumed by causes

Seems to be always searching, but not knowing what he/she is looking for


The mature lover is able to experience and grieve loss.

The deflated shadow Lover is the Stoic, numb to his own feelings, especially grief. He/she is ambivalent to ,or detached from any spiritual dimension, and unable or unwilling to connect with others.

 In contrast, the inflated shadow Lover is the Addict, overwhelmed by his feelings, obsessed with the pursuit of pleasure or passion, fanatically for or against the spiritual dimension, and either neurotic or codependent in his relationships.

The Mature Lover
Your Mature Lover manifests the following characteristics.

Embraces his/her emotions

Appreciates beauty and wonder for its own sake, without having to understand it or analyze it

Appreciates music, dance and the arts

Can feel sensual without feeling ashamed

Honors and expresses his/her soul
; can celebrate life

Takes time for self renewal

Can be alone, quiet, reflective, introspective, contemplative

Has an aligned, healthy connection with the spiritual dimension

Is open to new relationships

Likes to connect at a deep, personal level with other people

Can “see” into the heart of others with understanding and compassion

Is open to his/her desires

Has a healthy appetite for life

Exudes a healthy sexual self

Has a healthy awareness of his/her body

Is spontaneous, playful

Is nurturing, empathetic, welcoming

Can grieve
. .


We Embody wisdom, objectivity, penetrate insight, have excellent communication
skills, and deal with symbols, ritual and mystery. 

We Hold the tension
of desperate, sometimes contradictory information, feelings and relationships, while remaining detached and clear headed. 

We Face,embrace ,  go through, and transform fear into an ally, when
grappling with difficult situations or relationships.

Unaddressed fear causes people to slip into one of the two shadows. 


The deflated shadow, tends to be consumed and confused by the fear, becomes gridlocked in his thinking and
simply doesn’t know what to do. This deflated shadow is characterized as the Dummy. The inflated
shadow is likewise held captive by fear, but shrouds it in a life of pretense, illusion, self righteousness and hidden agendas.
The inflated shadow is also called the Manipulator.


Your Mature self manifests the following characteristics.

Is insightful

Sees quickly to the heart of problems

Holds and processes many dimensions of information at the same time

Stays calm and detached during crises

Is good at assessing options and offering advice

Is keenly sensitive to the truth. Not easily fooled or manipulated

Adapts his/her perspective so as to be understood by other people

impressions of situations without making quick judgments

impressions of people without
judging them or labeling them

meaning in symbolism and ritual

Is thoughtful, reflective, objective, detached

with abstractions

Is comfortable exploring
mysteries or paradox

Faces and goes through his/her fears

Recognizes cycles and patterns

Keeps learning
; is open to ideas


the Deflated shadow manifests the following characteristics.

Has trouble thinking clearly when under pressure

Has to have all the data when
making a recommendation

Fears making a mistake

Is set in his/her ways; once a view is developed of something, he/she seldom changes

Views situations and assesses people in black and white

Is quick to judge

Has trouble organizing his/her schedule

Can be confused or misled easily by others

Tends to think that others are smarter

Has a disorganized mind.


The Inflated shadow

Your Inflated shadow manifests the following characteristics.

Likes the idea of manipulating others to get what he/
she wants

Does not like to disclose information about himself/herself

Does not want others to know what he/she is thinking

Likes to control a situation from a distance

Likes to win by outwitting others

Does not share the full truth about a situation, an is
sue or a person

Believes he/she knows what is the best idea in any situation

Is suspicious of others

Uses humor to hurt other people

Uses knowledge as a weapon (“I know something you don’t know.”)

Divine Action !?!

Project LOVE !!!

We take innovative action. We are Self Disciplined
We are committed to the truth that we know ,we feel , we are one .
We are dedicated we self
to projects, assignments, etc getting the job done.
Dependable with out expectations , We are loyal to the needs of the others.
We exudes courage, persistence and stamina for whatever We are doing. We show up and take creative , innovative action . We are committed 2 transcending above the level of the personal ego reconnecting with our higher self . We redoubles our efforts whenever necessary .

We the higher self in action (The mature self )faces, embraces and goes through His/ Her own emotions without hurting others or self . 

We would like to shine some light and reveal the shadow!

The deflated shadow self , or "Victim ", represses or denies His/ Her anger and avoids confrontation or
aggression. The inflated shadow self or Savage, is consumed by His/ Her anger, which leaks or spews
to others, especially Victims. The Victim has flimsy understanding of will power easily trampled by others; the Savage
ignores the sovereignty of others as he/ she pursues his /her own agenda.

WE at project love :

Accept responsibility and get the job done

are focused and determined

are not easily diverted

Know his/her skills and is disciplined in using them

are a direct, factual communicator

Honor own personal sovereignty , while not imposing on others .
do i need to explain further ?

Have a strong sense of loyalty and duty

are not attached to strings , or material things . Can cut our "losses" and move on without dwelling on the past

Work through adversity or perceived failures taking challenges head on to accomplishing a goal

are Here and now oriented

Put theory into practice

are Determined, focused, dependable

we Takes appropriate risks

Acknowledge and is clean about embracing /expressing our emotions in a healthy way.

Value physical conditioning and health.


The Sovereign
Our inner Sovereign charts the course for our life, makes decisions, and both receives blessing
and gives blessings to others. He or she knows higher self and abilities. He/she  draws power from a Source beyond himself and knows he is loved regardless of outer accomplishments or faults.

The deflated shadow Sovereign, or Weakling, feels unloved and inferior to others.the deflated sovereign has forgotten true identity behind that of the ego persona. The deflated shadow has forgotten the true power within and is incapable of setting a direction for his/ her life. He/ she sees himself as unworthy or even worthless,
and becomes captive to the approval of others.
The inflated shadow Sovereign is the Tyrant or
Narcissist, who sees himself as “special,” with
power being either self
-generated or a birthright. Though
manifested differently, both Sovereign shadows are plagued by a low sense of self worth.

The Mature Sovereign
Your Mature Sovereign manifests the following characteristics.

Has a high sense of self

knows himself/herself and his/her abilities

Has a sense of his/her place in the world

Has a sense of vision for his/her life

Exudes a calm centeredness

Can entrust responsibility to others

Can ask for what he/she wants

Accepts a Higher Power beyond himself/herself

Motivates, empowers and blesses others

Is at ease receiving and accepting praise, thanks or blessing from others

Lives life from a sense of service or stewardship for the whole (beyond himself/herself)

Has a deep love for his/her “realm”

Is calm and reassuring to others during crises

Sees, mirrors and affirms others

Guides, encourages and nurtures others

Can embrace what is healthy and good, and let go of what must die

Experiences joy

information re-edited  shared from