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Sunday, July 6, 2014

we the people

We the people are sovereign !!!!!  YES WE ARE !!

>> I am inviting all who choose, to actively participate in consciously co creating and sharing.
W are going to create our own class. The creative class
I am inviting anyone that is interested to start our own class . This class has no bias.This class is for anyone who creates, builds, engineers, designs, innovates, expresses and understands. This class is aware, clear, open and free of mental slavery. 
Are you interested in thriving, in abundance for every living being of this world ? Contact me at 
 I know what has happened in the past has happened , and it may still be painful .  It is time to ask ourselves , What we have done ?
What we are experiencing as a result of our choices up until this very moment
What is done is done , and it our choice what we agree to let continue. We are the people here and now . Let us all take a closer look at ourselves and do our own soul work before we try to control or influence the forms in the external. 
I know we may be dealing with a lot , however know it is our choice, our agreement, how we respond to the world while alive in this form. I invite you to take this moment now to reside in stillness , and listen for that subtle voice within .
 What are you afraid of ?
What are you shamed of ? 

What do you blame yourself for ? 
What grief or resentment do you have or hold onto ? 
What lies do you tell yourself 
What illusions do you have or do you buy into ?
 What attachments do you hold onto ? Let these go .
 It is only weight that is weighing you down and blocking the flow from freely flowing within you fully and completely .  Now I have experienced my fair share of suffering . 
 The experiences of pain i created, was because of  my response to the situation . This means with every thought ,word and action .
 I chose how i was affected by externals ,and even though i played the victim from time to time in many different characters, in many roles, i still felt like my life  was meant for something more and i wanted to feel the joy i felt before all the trauma. 
Again it is all i what i choose to let continue or agree to. I can choose more fear , enslavement living in duality under someone Else's authority or live with love in unity recognizing all our relations sovereignty. This means walking with one another , working with one another , co -creating beauty with one another in an infinite harmonic convergence. 
We are all the tipping point .
 I am one just as you are one and we are one . We may share a common vision of common unity, where we the people take intelligent and compassionate action in each sacred moment to co create .beauty.
 If this is you , the one : then say  thank you!  I honor the sacred being that you are and i love what you are co- creating and sharing . I thank you for transmuting fear into into love by embodying love in form , for going above and beyond all expectations and for working past the past and being in the here and now and creating anew !
We the people !!! We are sovereign , powerful and full of love !!!!