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Sunday, August 19, 2012


Stumbling through darkness, I remember falling many times under the weight of tyranny.
Believing the lies and constant critcizing from all directions on what i would never Achieve.
unconsciously remaining in the cell in my mind, forgetting the truth that was untold for centuries.
I was under the spell of the walking dead Conditioned to be a slave run by a group of sadistic and apathetic men
Told what to think, how to act,what to wear, In hopes that I would attain the golden carrot .
After many years of searching outside my self I have discovered and learned much.
I have been down to the deepest depths, now moving on up to higher planes.
I admit i was scammed and it was not until the experience Revealed the many monsters lurking under my bed .
i çhose to step off the bed after waking up from the hellish dream and continue through.
I am not apologizing for flying above any petty bullshit,as  I have had many friends and family pass away after watching them destroy themselves from the inside out
I know that no longer will I live for my own success but of others as well.
I have understood the potential of any 1 to be of real value.
Moving past the desire to possess the fancy pieces of paper as well as the control of  others,
I have discovered that my preconception of reality has been let go.
I now choose to live a work of art, where I create my life ,
As one artist throws a vessel, paints a picture, builds a bridge, or cooks a meal I have now decided to reject my domestication and move towards the passion with the vision in my mind.
I am Flipping over the pieces over the pieces of the puzzle, looking for fit, seeing more of the bigger picture as the pieces come together, In the room that was illuminated from the candle, sharing its fire with the other added candles.
I can feel the shift of the ages. It is now, I am here.

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