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Friday, August 8, 2014

Awemazing !

i have been doing some research on how to free ourselves from our past and be in the moment . I have been listening to experiences from others that have reminded me of the darkness that i have lived through and the darkness some of our brothers and sisters are experiencing in this moment . I understand why i was born and why i went through all the situations that were traumatizing . I can now handle going back into darkness through choice to help others to light. I see both light and dark and I am not unsettled when i have to deal with challenges that present themselves. I am open to the best possible outcome and i am ready for the worst case scenario , however i do my best to stay focused and recognize when i am slipping. I want to say There are many other brothers and sisters who chose to go above and beyond to help others no matter what the conditions and i have much love and appreciation for the love expression in action. Doing something without concern for recognition no expectation on compensation or reward . Doing something for others without expectation on how everything is going to turn out.This means just doing it because we know what needs to be done.
It is about being in the moment and trusting ourselves more, loving ourselves more and trusting that everything that happens because we are co-creating it together either aware or unaware .These experiences are possibly helping us emerge into who we really are. We do have freewill . Now We can choose to pretend we are just our egos and limit ourselves with our own attitudes of me, me , me and slowly self destruct ,or WE can Rise Above all the situations that challenge us and use it as an opportunity to love every moment no matter what.
.I would say the art of living is about being present ,bringing ourselves 100% in the world to create beauty and share with others. This means being whole, no locked in fear and confusion, only love and understanding. When we are real with our self ,We may see the situation as a opportunity for love and truth to be expressed in action.
Instead of being limited by fear i can choose to be limitless and be 100% in love with the adventure. This adventure is lived out by master sovereign wizard lover, in front of the skeptic and /or critic for living proof that anyone is more than capable to rise above and be in this world , not of this world helping and healing others with the wisdom our own experience and the compassion, love we have for others no matter what

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