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Monday, August 18, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Awemazing !
i have been doing some research on how to free ourselves from our past and be in the moment . I have been listening to experiences from others that have reminded me of the darkness that i have lived through and the darkness some of our brothers and sisters are experiencing in this moment . I understand why i was born and why i went through all the situations that were traumatizing . I can now handle going back into darkness through choice to help others to light. I see both light and dark and I am not unsettled when i have to deal with challenges that present themselves. I am open to the best possible outcome and i am ready for the worst case scenario , however i do my best to stay focused and recognize when i am slipping. I want to say There are many other brothers and sisters who chose to go above and beyond to help others no matter what the conditions and i have much love and appreciation for the love expression in action. Doing something without concern for recognition no expectation on compensation or reward . Doing something for others without expectation on how everything is going to turn out.This means just doing it because we know what needs to be done.
It is about being in the moment and trusting ourselves more, loving ourselves more and trusting that everything that happens because we are co-creating it together either aware or unaware .These experiences are possibly helping us emerge into who we really are. We do have freewill . Now We can choose to pretend we are just our egos and limit ourselves with our own attitudes of me, me , me and slowly self destruct ,or WE can Rise Above all the situations that challenge us and use it as an opportunity to love every moment no matter what.
.I would say the art of living is about being present ,bringing ourselves 100% in the world to create beauty and share with others. This means being whole, no locked in fear and confusion, only love and understanding. When we are real with our self ,We may see the situation as a opportunity for love and truth to be expressed in action.
Instead of being limited by fear i can choose to be limitless and be 100% in love with the adventure. This adventure is lived out by master sovereign wizard lover, in front of the skeptic and /or critic for living proof that anyone is more than capable to rise above and be in this world , not of this world helping and healing others with the wisdom our own experience and the compassion, love we have for others no matter what
It is about being in the moment and trusting ourselves more, loving ourselves more and trusting that everything that happens because we are co-creating it together either aware or unaware .These experiences are possibly helping us emerge into who we really are. We do have freewill . Now We can choose to pretend we are just our egos and limit ourselves with our own attitudes of me, me , me and slowly self destruct ,or WE can Rise Above all the situations that challenge us and use it as an opportunity to love every moment no matter what.
.I would say the art of living is about being present ,bringing ourselves 100% in the world to create beauty and share with others. This means being whole, no locked in fear and confusion, only love and understanding. When we are real with our self ,We may see the situation as a opportunity for love and truth to be expressed in action.
Instead of being limited by fear i can choose to be limitless and be 100% in love with the adventure. This adventure is lived out by master sovereign wizard lover, in front of the skeptic and /or critic for living proof that anyone is more than capable to rise above and be in this world , not of this world helping and healing others with the wisdom our own experience and the compassion, love we have for others no matter what
Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniak - FULL
All things worth considering.
Listen and think about it with every cell in your body,
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Project Love Homework Invitations

Vision, connection, direct creative love action and celebration in every moment !
Project Love Homework Invitations:
Be active take direct action in these art projects of love!
*>Read this new earth agreement and share with family and friends <*
Participate in These events:
>>The hug felt around the world! <<
WE ARE 1 LOVE !! A Sovereignty & Solidarity international event !!!
Paradigm Shift Radio
Go out and BE THE LOVE YOU WISH TO SEE!I ask you to help others in any way you can ! This could be simple as being present with someone and actively listening to them without criticism or judgement. This could be giving someone a hug to someone who may need it . How about giving food or clothing to the homeless? This also could mean you simply remind others through your actions what sovereignty and solidarity look like when they are practiced .
Remember be creative and have fun ! Much love and appreciation for you !
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
proclamation of unity consciousness
This proclamation of unity consciousness comes from direct sovereign creative source with each and everyone of we RAAAA!
This text reflects the vision of the living project of love.
Through our connection and action we will thrive!,
We will celebrate in unlimited abundance for every being!
We are consciousness, we are one love together, united by one , divided by zero,
we co create with our skills , abilities ,gifts and great wisdom through individual and collective experiences.
we follow no one , for we are sovereign, We are our own authority and we are responsible for our own experience.
Attention Renegade Members of The Family of Light! We are Conscious Agents of Creative being !
We have many names and no name .
This is our Proclamation of consciousness and this agreement is presented on a platform by which all people of the world can agree to a common unity of cooperation, in abundance for all life. Every life matters and counts in the whole body, no matter our diversity for we are all beautiful and worth more than gold .
Here and now, we are the expression of which, all is one whole ! , We all know and remember that truth is found within.Our experience while in this form is ours to co-create. With awareness of ourselves in both light and darker aspects we can be whole individuals and a whole planet . We choose to live life consciously and create from a place of understanding our truth , our wisdom and the love we are . We exclaim!! Now is the time to invite the people of all lands to unite to free humanity !!, We invite we to create a sustainable, healthy world for all life to thrive. We the People of planet earth are gathered here in agreement for the renewal , the restoration of our planet. We acknowledge and honor every Human on the Planet for we have a full choice on how to live in harmony, within a diverse common unity while respecting one an other's autonomy as individuals. We agree that Nature has the same rights as human beings. We are conscious of our actions and we co-create from our thoughts, emotions and actions. We are conscious how we influence the life on this planet . Now i say We are not in Agreement for communism, socialism, fascism, dictatorship or structured democracy.!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Agreement is for Freedom, security, dignity, and abundance for all life!!!! We agree now is the time to afford our planet full recovery from our unconscious ravaging. We agree that intense, intimate cooperation across all continents is essential to reviving our planets life systems, interior, surface, atmosphere, space, and waters. We agree to acknowledge and honor every human , with every ones dignity, security, and abundance from birth till passing. We agree that all of life is free upon request; This means health care, education, shelter, clothing, food, water, transportation, communication, recreation, and everything not mentioned ? always free. All we have to do is just be the sovereign divine beings we are, co-create in harmonic resonance and share with others, giving and receiving in balance. We agree that NO medium of exchange like money, minerals, or profiteering will be used, recognized as value, or used to prejudice each others value. Our skills and experience will be of value as well as the energy we share with others in equal energy exchange. What we share with the world is what is shared with us. Think about the torus being a form of balanced energy flow found in sustainable systems, at all scales .
Every human is given the right to creating and sharing without taxation from third parties. We are all equal, no matter the class we were born into. We agree where conflict or poverty occurs of any kind, the immediate community will come together to realize and take direct creative no aggressive action toward its resolve. We agree to no policing or penalties. We agree to never torture or kill another. We agree to let others be. If we see someone who is acting without integrity,we will remind ourselves what integrity looks like, starting from our living example ,offering suggestions instead of commands or demands. We agree to no laws, and no representative governing of any kind. We are in charge of our governing our own self and helping our children be, by our living example of self mastery , self-sovereignty !!! We agree to communicate together and come to decisions based of what is healthy for us as individuals and healthy for the common unity . We are for the Win win . We agree to living under No heads of state or bureaucrats of any kind. Absolutely No politics! No borders! No courts! NO military of any kind ! There would be a focus , however everyone would be equally as responsible to manage themselves. We agree to working together with individuals focused on certain areas, similar to hows cells in our body work together in the various organs and systems. We will agree to stop all aggression and dismantle all offensive weapons and war machines. We agree to no passports. No personal identification.
We the people task the experts in all fields of life around the world, to cooperate across all continents, to inform and educate the people without prejudice, so that everyone can choose from self empowering truth filled knowledge, in hopes of benevolent and wise intent for all matters, and considerations. We agree to implement solutions that maintain harmony with nature while providing dignity for all life! In our cooperation, our present infrastructures will be maintained until we create natural systems to replace our dependence on hydrocarbon/fossil fuels, nuclear fission, coal, fracking, all non biodegradable materials, elements, and chemicals. We agree to use hemp, hydrogen, cold fusion, the Torus , solar, and other Natural technologies as fast as we realize our ability to implement them. In our cooperation, we agree to engineering, technology, and equipment, to recover the infrastructures, revive ecosystems, and create plumbing, water, energy, and food production systems for those without. In cooperation, when we work and serve locally. and globally, we thrive.
We agree to re-purpose all waste, use minimal packaging, and naturalize ways of production, distribution, and transportation. This Agreement signifies willingness to forgive all transgressions, and cooperate; to live and let live. Agreeing to this NEW EARTH AGREEMENT we choose to be responsible for all matters local and Global for the well being of all life on Earth. We agree we all would do our part to maintain harmonic resonance and the balance , as we are response able to be centered within our self and be as peacekeepers to protect our individual FREE WILL choice, We agree to to walk out of enslavement into a new world of global peace of harmony and coherence, as 7.4 billion people transition in harmony where we thrive in abundance as our individual freedom, and abundance for all life is equally important . We envision a MIND AND HEART SHIFT GLOBALLY and gather in critical mass!!! We would like you to stand together in solidarity making this DECLARATION DAY, which is Here and now be known as the moment we agreed to take ourselves to higher levels together Let this Day be where ..WE!!!. every man, woman, and child Declares our sovereignty! In this moment we choose to reclaim our humanity and our Earth Garden as our birth right and together begin anew! Let us collectively pull back from the brink, preserve duality Consciousness in physicality as individuals, and cooperate to restore our home planet in unity . We agree here and now to our Sovereignty and gather in solidarity !!!Р>Lovolution Soulution! <
We are consciousness, we are one love together, united by one , divided by zero,
we co create with our skills , abilities ,gifts and great wisdom through individual and collective experiences.
we follow no one for we are sovereign.
We overcome the challenges and challenge the illusions. We co create, innovate and are building from the micro to the macro
We are eternal and boundless.
This text reflects the vision of the living project of love.
Through our connection and action we will thrive!,
We will celebrate in unlimited abundance for every being!
We are consciousness, we are one love together, united by one , divided by zero,
we co create with our skills , abilities ,gifts and great wisdom through individual and collective experiences.
we follow no one , for we are sovereign, We are our own authority and we are responsible for our own experience.
Attention Renegade Members of The Family of Light! We are Conscious Agents of Creative being !
We have many names and no name .
This is our Proclamation of consciousness and this agreement is presented on a platform by which all people of the world can agree to a common unity of cooperation, in abundance for all life. Every life matters and counts in the whole body, no matter our diversity for we are all beautiful and worth more than gold .
Here and now, we are the expression of which, all is one whole ! , We all know and remember that truth is found within.Our experience while in this form is ours to co-create. With awareness of ourselves in both light and darker aspects we can be whole individuals and a whole planet . We choose to live life consciously and create from a place of understanding our truth , our wisdom and the love we are . We exclaim!! Now is the time to invite the people of all lands to unite to free humanity !!, We invite we to create a sustainable, healthy world for all life to thrive. We the People of planet earth are gathered here in agreement for the renewal , the restoration of our planet. We acknowledge and honor every Human on the Planet for we have a full choice on how to live in harmony, within a diverse common unity while respecting one an other's autonomy as individuals. We agree that Nature has the same rights as human beings. We are conscious of our actions and we co-create from our thoughts, emotions and actions. We are conscious how we influence the life on this planet . Now i say We are not in Agreement for communism, socialism, fascism, dictatorship or structured democracy.!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Agreement is for Freedom, security, dignity, and abundance for all life!!!! We agree now is the time to afford our planet full recovery from our unconscious ravaging. We agree that intense, intimate cooperation across all continents is essential to reviving our planets life systems, interior, surface, atmosphere, space, and waters. We agree to acknowledge and honor every human , with every ones dignity, security, and abundance from birth till passing. We agree that all of life is free upon request; This means health care, education, shelter, clothing, food, water, transportation, communication, recreation, and everything not mentioned ? always free. All we have to do is just be the sovereign divine beings we are, co-create in harmonic resonance and share with others, giving and receiving in balance. We agree that NO medium of exchange like money, minerals, or profiteering will be used, recognized as value, or used to prejudice each others value. Our skills and experience will be of value as well as the energy we share with others in equal energy exchange. What we share with the world is what is shared with us. Think about the torus being a form of balanced energy flow found in sustainable systems, at all scales .
Every human is given the right to creating and sharing without taxation from third parties. We are all equal, no matter the class we were born into. We agree where conflict or poverty occurs of any kind, the immediate community will come together to realize and take direct creative no aggressive action toward its resolve. We agree to no policing or penalties. We agree to never torture or kill another. We agree to let others be. If we see someone who is acting without integrity,we will remind ourselves what integrity looks like, starting from our living example ,offering suggestions instead of commands or demands. We agree to no laws, and no representative governing of any kind. We are in charge of our governing our own self and helping our children be, by our living example of self mastery , self-sovereignty !!! We agree to communicate together and come to decisions based of what is healthy for us as individuals and healthy for the common unity . We are for the Win win . We agree to living under No heads of state or bureaucrats of any kind. Absolutely No politics! No borders! No courts! NO military of any kind ! There would be a focus , however everyone would be equally as responsible to manage themselves. We agree to working together with individuals focused on certain areas, similar to hows cells in our body work together in the various organs and systems. We will agree to stop all aggression and dismantle all offensive weapons and war machines. We agree to no passports. No personal identification.
We the people task the experts in all fields of life around the world, to cooperate across all continents, to inform and educate the people without prejudice, so that everyone can choose from self empowering truth filled knowledge, in hopes of benevolent and wise intent for all matters, and considerations. We agree to implement solutions that maintain harmony with nature while providing dignity for all life! In our cooperation, our present infrastructures will be maintained until we create natural systems to replace our dependence on hydrocarbon/fossil fuels, nuclear fission, coal, fracking, all non biodegradable materials, elements, and chemicals. We agree to use hemp, hydrogen, cold fusion, the Torus , solar, and other Natural technologies as fast as we realize our ability to implement them. In our cooperation, we agree to engineering, technology, and equipment, to recover the infrastructures, revive ecosystems, and create plumbing, water, energy, and food production systems for those without. In cooperation, when we work and serve locally. and globally, we thrive.
We agree to re-purpose all waste, use minimal packaging, and naturalize ways of production, distribution, and transportation. This Agreement signifies willingness to forgive all transgressions, and cooperate; to live and let live. Agreeing to this NEW EARTH AGREEMENT we choose to be responsible for all matters local and Global for the well being of all life on Earth. We agree we all would do our part to maintain harmonic resonance and the balance , as we are response able to be centered within our self and be as peacekeepers to protect our individual FREE WILL choice, We agree to to walk out of enslavement into a new world of global peace of harmony and coherence, as 7.4 billion people transition in harmony where we thrive in abundance as our individual freedom, and abundance for all life is equally important . We envision a MIND AND HEART SHIFT GLOBALLY and gather in critical mass!!! We would like you to stand together in solidarity making this DECLARATION DAY, which is Here and now be known as the moment we agreed to take ourselves to higher levels together Let this Day be where ..WE!!!. every man, woman, and child Declares our sovereignty! In this moment we choose to reclaim our humanity and our Earth Garden as our birth right and together begin anew! Let us collectively pull back from the brink, preserve duality Consciousness in physicality as individuals, and cooperate to restore our home planet in unity . We agree here and now to our Sovereignty and gather in solidarity !!!Р>Lovolution Soulution! <
We are consciousness, we are one love together, united by one , divided by zero,
we co create with our skills , abilities ,gifts and great wisdom through individual and collective experiences.
we follow no one for we are sovereign.
We overcome the challenges and challenge the illusions. We co create, innovate and are building from the micro to the macro
We are eternal and boundless.
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