Along with Itzda’s small scale creative endeavors , there is a larger project that Itzda has chosen to focus and work on . While Itzda’s artwork reflects on upon themes such as divine design and our true identity and power Itzda felt it was necessary to take it to another level in more than one way. In knowing it was not about the “me” and it had more to do with the we, Itzda started project of love. The intention of project of love was to raise our wholeself awareness so we could all create a living master piece together. One of the reasons Itzda wanted to focus this was of the many early deaths of Itzda’s friends and family . He wanted to do whatever he could to help , and this could only happen through direct action . The direct action of creative Love .
Like any art project it involves what some would call the creative process . This all starts with the unknown . “The magic happens When we are at a place of stillness within, with an open heart and clear mind , grounded, centered and aligned with Source. When we connect and are grounded ,.The energy is there, the clarity is there , the focus is there, and wala! Creation takes place , and we celebrate
According to Itzda there has been another project running around being the crazy maker . Itzda refers to this Project as the project of fear . “Yes, for some time there has been a project of fear and it has limited us rather than empowered us ” Now we will not get into the details as I am sure we are well aware( at least on some level) what has happened and is still happening . Itzdas focus was to raise the awareness , bringing light to the darkness , revealing the shadow , and guess what? It all started with itzda first . It was up to itzda to be consciously diligent in observing his own mind, emotions and physical body-talk. He understood the importance of conscious redirection of the subconscious within himself as well as the collective.” Raising our self awareness helps us when “negative” thoughts or emotions are present. These include fear, shame, blame, grief and resentment . When we are aware of these shadows, we can reclaim our power, and use more of our energy to create something that works well for the we . With a positive attitude and open heart , we move past fear into love . This re-direction creates lasting fulfillment for an individual as well as a collective. This project of love started with a vision and will be celebrated forever. From me to we !!
Greetings! My name is Itzda LOVE! I am an embodiment of truth and love.
I am here to remind others of our own divine nature. I am here to remind others of our sovereignty. I understand that I can only do this by living my own sovereignty. This means that I must choose to be an expression of love and truth of I am that I am, in every moment.
Why have I created Project Love?
I am doing this because I have friends and family who died very early due to addictions and suicide. I know that there are many others across the world that are facing the same darkness that my friends and family, as well as myself, have been through, or are still going through .
I am interested in helping others work through the blocks that limit them from operating at 100%. I want to help however I can to clear the collective subconscious of any erroneous habits and patterns that limit our individual and collective evolution.
I am interested in helping others work through the blocks that limit them from operating at 100%. I want to help however I can to clear the collective subconscious of any erroneous habits and patterns that limit our individual and collective evolution.
Examples of these blocks include fear, shame, blame, guilt, grief, resentment, and attachments to the external. While I cannot remove these blocks for anyone I can however share my experiences and love relentlessly.

Since 2004 I have connected with others from around the world using many outlets to connect with and share this vision I have of a whole world; a world where everyone is whole and thriving. This is where we all flow free, creating our experience masterfully. Two of the biggest ways I have connected with others are online and out on streets with both one-on-one meetings and group convergences.
Project Love has grown into a decentralized collective, where we honor and recognize we are sovereign gifted beings who are co- creating our experience moment to sacred moment, with every thought, emotion and action.
We do our best to provide an example of being present, open, direct, clear and aware, taking direct action in the process/project. We are now choosing to co-create beauty that serves the whole being. I see that Whole beings create a whole world; One world together where individuals are aware, where we recognize and honor our sovereignty and the importance of living in Solidarity.
More are coming into realization and taking action to actualize our realization. This common vision of an abundant thriving world is coming into fruition and it is our individual and collective effort to connect, share our vision and take creative action where we can come together and celebrate our lives in conscious co-creation. We encourage everyone we come across to step away from the old world of duality, and to remember the importance of unity. We are celebrating and honoring our diversity rather than being isolated and living separately. The work-play we enjoy is extending love to all living organisms and we occupying our own space for more awareness to be present within and outside in our energetic field. We choose to be a living work of art and make each moment of our life a master peace.It all starts with knowing ourselves on every level. By Being our authentic higher self, and sharing our talents, skills, and abilities, we have the opportunity to consciously create a whole world! We are bringing living proof that anyone who practices self-discipline, has courage to take vision all the way to celebration, will create a wonderful life and be an amazing work of art that brings a gift to the world.Sovereignty and Solidarity are two words I ask you to remember! I invite you now to create beauty and be the love that you are. Remind yourself and others to be the sovereign creators they were born to be. We choose to do this by projecting the love we are into the world .I invite you to gather in 1 love unity and light up the darkness in every loving way possible.
i want to say We are not alone!
With your agreement and your own chosen contribution , you will be helping the we at project of love continue to expand and grow larger by reaching more beautiful people so we can share our vision and take action together for the celebration of living in each moment .
Our Short term focus is
Connecting with others and organize in solidarity, building and reuniting this earth family so we can co-create beauty and share the abundance with one another in thriving common unity regardless of location!
We will gather in Conferences, convergences, meetings, and other events that I can have a Project Love booth; where can connect with others and share information and education.
We are hoping to reach out to others through small operations such as small random acts of kindness as well through free hugs and other similar actions close to those who are working with projects such as “Food Not Bombs” and “Human Angels”.
I want 2 Share my experience to help others learn from my life . I choose 2 love unconditionally and Encourage others to be conscious self made masters and live in harmony with each other, working with our skills and experiences , moving consciously into the unknown.
“Our Long term vision >
We would also like to tour the world and meet with others where we can speak with and take conscious creative action together in building stronger communities that support and encourage holistic conscious living. We would like to start with one community and expand by having others start them in their own location in all areas of the world. These communities would be located around the world and would provide space where we gather in common unity and live together working with free energy technology. We would all be able to share the gift we are and the skills and experience we have to consciously evolve as 1 body of Love and truth!.
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