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Monday, December 15, 2014

Awake or Ignorance forever? Freedom or Enslavement ? The crossroads is here now

Monitor our thoughts. See where fear enters, how anger speaks, how depression grabs us. See how these thoughts are not us. We are the One who watches the thoughts. We are the light that is known as soul, a drop of the divine essence. We are the atman, the inner god. We are the Higher Self. We are the watcher of thoughts. Our thoughts are coming for the most part, from the Dark Matrix, from the pool of beliefs we have about reality. But some thoughts, of course, are coming from the soul. These are our moments of mental clarity, epiphany, bursts of original observation, our moments of earnest dialogue, debate, and fiery defiance against the order of things.
Next, raise our vibrations. This is done in a positive and negative way. The positive way is to feel joy, to smile inwardly at the world, at life in all its myriad expressions, at the social vortex with all its melodramas and misdirections, to try and simulate the bliss of our Higher Self. The negative way is to work on catharsis, psychological healing and clearing of painful ideations. (If it hurts, we know it isn't ours. Get rid of it. Disbelieve in it. Send it away from us.) Thus, by working in this way, we raise ourselves to a level where the Higher Self can actually talk to us, give us proper direction in life, lead us away from our current problems.
We must realize how deeply asleep we are if we ever hope to wake up. We must become lucid in this world where almost everyone else is asleep too. We must feel the pain of our suffering, going beyond numbness, apathy, and helplessness, if we are to walk away free from continual suffering. Once motivated sufficiently, we must act toward clearing the illusions and finding the latent joy in ourselves. If circumstances press hard against us at the moment, they must be given up internally before they can be experienced externally. Mere action at self-improvement is only more band-aid. The cleansing has to be at a very deep level. There are many practitioners of internal cleansing, many paths, many disciplines. One has to inquire into them.
Finally, work on maintaining correct identification. We are not this mind, this body, these emotions. We are not our particular personalities. We are not our histories. We are not our future. We must cease identifying with things that we are not. We must cease persisting in the habit of continuous self-delusion. What are we, then? We are the awareness that is reading these words right now. We are what is here; we are what is now. As Ram Dass phrased it, Be Here Now. That is, we are the beingness that is here in this place at this moment. All else is our illusion and will lead us into confusion and doubt. By working on artistic endeavors of any kind, we will be strengthening our awareness of the moment. Our small creations on matter will eventually lead us to control matter directly.
For those of us who feel terrified of the Dark Matrix we need to remember who we are. We are not the puppet of a simulated program. We are the observer, the light, the awareness itself. We can move beyond any suffering if we can free our minds. If we are controlled in any way, it is because at some level we have given our permission to the source of misery.
Once we connect with our Higher Self, then we will be in a position to see clearly, to create effortlessly, to move with speed and power, with blinding invincibility, just like Neo in the Matrix when he fought Agent Smith who was powerful enough to even capture Morpheus.
The R.I. program can move us to have free minds. It may be the greatest thing that we have ever encountered in our lives. Is this hyperbole? It can be, if we choose to think of it that way. We are what we think, and unfortunately most of what we think comes from our acceptance of the Dark Matrix. Given the direction of this course, we can move to ultimate freedom. Manifestation is nice. Remote Influencing is exciting. But freedom to embody our beingness is the ultimate goal, the ecstatic culmination of everything.

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