The pledge
I pledge to work in sacred alliance
with Spirit, and to be informed and guided by that Source, and not my
own ego, in offering service to others.
I pledge to recognize
the wholeness inherent in every person or group or circumstance that
comes for healing and to honor whatever form in which its pain is
presented to me.
I pledge to be mindful of speech, thought, and
action and their impact on building relationships both in the present
and through time into future and past.
I pledge to be respectful of others, even in their differences.
I pledge to work with compassion and non-judgment.
I pledge to do no harm and to avoid any sexual misconduct in my work with clients.
I pledge to maintain clients' privacy.
pledge to be honest with clients and other practitioners, and to be
truthful in the manner in which I present myself in public relations and
I pledge to offer fair and appropriate fees.
In service to others, I pledge to keep my own life and personhood in balance to the best of my ability.
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
(((((((PROJECT LOVE))))))))
check this video out !
the project of love is here ! Big change is coming !
Project Love - Creating a World that Future Generations Will Want to Inherit
Project Love is dedicated to creating a sustainable, just, and peaceful world -- one where all sentient beings can thrive.
Since the early 2004, Project Love has been dedicated to shifting personal and global consciousness and inspiring actions that transform the world.
We strive to accomplish this mission through written materials and books; consciousness-shifting workshops and presentations; sacred expeditions and gatherings with indigenous peoples; community programs and trainings in the U.S. and abroad; specialized environmental projects and those that educate about, and preserve, traditional cultures and earth-wise values.
We are currently in the process of launching ourselves to new levels of consciousness-raising activities. We are working closely with business and political leaders, students, teachers, and entrepreneurs to manifest ways that will create a world our children and grandchildren will want to inherit.
Project Love has partnered with many like-minded organizations Our workshops and trainings cut to the heart of cultural and environmental issues by shifting the consciousness of the societies that are responsible for global imbalance.
The time is now, we are here . Watch video !!!!<<<<
Project Love is dedicated to creating a sustainable, just, and peaceful world -- one where all sentient beings can thrive.
Since the early 2004, Project Love has been dedicated to shifting personal and global consciousness and inspiring actions that transform the world.
We strive to accomplish this mission through written materials and books; consciousness-shifting workshops and presentations; sacred expeditions and gatherings with indigenous peoples; community programs and trainings in the U.S. and abroad; specialized environmental projects and those that educate about, and preserve, traditional cultures and earth-wise values.
We are currently in the process of launching ourselves to new levels of consciousness-raising activities. We are working closely with business and political leaders, students, teachers, and entrepreneurs to manifest ways that will create a world our children and grandchildren will want to inherit.
Project Love has partnered with many like-minded organizations Our workshops and trainings cut to the heart of cultural and environmental issues by shifting the consciousness of the societies that are responsible for global imbalance.
The time is now, we are here . Watch video !!!!<<<<
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
List of Natural Aphrodisiacs
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fitness and vigor is identical with a strong, keyed up you. An
way of life, a reasonable diet, and self-assurance are the finest habits
to obtain
the sexual charge you require, but that doesn’t mean that there isn't
any food out there that can offer you that extra heightening you’re
looking for.
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Brandon Shaffer will bring honesty and integrity back to Congress.
Natural Aphrodisiac Foods
This Andean root is the primary food that comes to the brain when thinking about sexual health and stamina. It’s been normally used in Peru since the times of the Incas for vigor, power and libido. Modern foodies regard it as it a super food, and with good reason too. Maca is outstanding for harmonizing hormones and makes a delicious accumulation to deserts and smoothies.
Always much loved by a woman. Real dark chocolate with a lofty cacao substance has natural stimulants and health chemicals, plus an abundance of magnesium which is fine for the heart and women’s libido. A fit heart means improved movement, and implies enhanced sex drive.
If you’re a admirer of picantefoods, you know how they can create you a bit clammy and emotional. Put the blame on the capsaicin, the matter in hot peppers which let go endorphins, encourages nerve endings and add to heart rate.
This mouth-wateringly exotic little spice has a standing in its home country in India for being an aphrodisiac. It has a magnificent, sensual flavor. But there may be some discipline behind it too; cardamom is far above the ground in cineole, which inspires the nervous system.
The piquant taste of hot, fresh ginger tea will heat up your body, make your heart race and augment the heat.
Pumpkin Seeds
It is high in zinc, which is essential for testosterone manufacture, pumpkin seeds are necessary for the libido in both men and women.
Chilly and greasy: I always speculate why oysters have such a standing as an aphrodisiac food. Some say it’s the form, but it’s probably the zinc.
Whether you favor the seed, the milk, or the oil, hemp is soaring in the Essential Fatty Acids, required to assist in harmonizing hormones for an enhanced libido.
It is finest when eaten raw, almonds are high in libido-boosting vitamin E. That’s a very rational sex-boosting indemnity policy. Eat daily.
This one stunned me, since we all know how nasty it is to be around someone who stinks of garlic. But make note: allicin perk up blood flow to the sexual organs, so just make certain you and your partner have garlic in your meal jointly and you won’t mind the way the other smells.
This Andean root is the primary food that comes to the brain when thinking about sexual health and stamina. It’s been normally used in Peru since the times of the Incas for vigor, power and libido. Modern foodies regard it as it a super food, and with good reason too. Maca is outstanding for harmonizing hormones and makes a delicious accumulation to deserts and smoothies.
Always much loved by a woman. Real dark chocolate with a lofty cacao substance has natural stimulants and health chemicals, plus an abundance of magnesium which is fine for the heart and women’s libido. A fit heart means improved movement, and implies enhanced sex drive.
If you’re a admirer of picantefoods, you know how they can create you a bit clammy and emotional. Put the blame on the capsaicin, the matter in hot peppers which let go endorphins, encourages nerve endings and add to heart rate.
This mouth-wateringly exotic little spice has a standing in its home country in India for being an aphrodisiac. It has a magnificent, sensual flavor. But there may be some discipline behind it too; cardamom is far above the ground in cineole, which inspires the nervous system.
The piquant taste of hot, fresh ginger tea will heat up your body, make your heart race and augment the heat.
Pumpkin Seeds
It is high in zinc, which is essential for testosterone manufacture, pumpkin seeds are necessary for the libido in both men and women.
Chilly and greasy: I always speculate why oysters have such a standing as an aphrodisiac food. Some say it’s the form, but it’s probably the zinc.
Whether you favor the seed, the milk, or the oil, hemp is soaring in the Essential Fatty Acids, required to assist in harmonizing hormones for an enhanced libido.
It is finest when eaten raw, almonds are high in libido-boosting vitamin E. That’s a very rational sex-boosting indemnity policy. Eat daily.
This one stunned me, since we all know how nasty it is to be around someone who stinks of garlic. But make note: allicin perk up blood flow to the sexual organs, so just make certain you and your partner have garlic in your meal jointly and you won’t mind the way the other smells.
This suggestively shaped fruit normalizes blood pressure, and you’d do well to eat one a day, for the reason that nothing relatively causes erectile dysfunction like extremely high blood pressure (also known as hypertension).
Pomegranate Juice
A exceptionally sensual and delicious juice, many think that the pomegranate’s superior antioxidant substance keeps liberated radicals from being intrusive with circulation, which would have a constructive effect on erectile dysfunction.
Goji Berries
These super food berries are thought-out as a strong sexual stimulant in Asia. They perk up the mood and health and augment testosterone production. They’re sharp, intricate, and fascinating fittingly.
It is not the sexiest food but it does have andresterone which is the hormone that gives men a fine smell that drives women wild.
This high-energy root stabilizes hormones levels in both men and women and the Chinese have made use of it for centuries to raise resilience and craving.
Ginkgo Biloba
kind of a wonder herb advertized for numerous reasons, ginkgo can be used to boost sexual power and normalize blood circulation.
Superior in vitamin C, guava is ideal for the antioxidants. Kiwi and berries also have high quantities of vitamin C, which keeps the sexual glands running efficiently. There’s not anything like sharing a fresh fruit salad on a hot summer’s day!
Such a remarkable food anyway, avocados are high in EFAs and B-vitamins for hormone equilibrium, and folic acid (which is fine for the heart and furnishes you with liveliness).
Wild Salmon
It is one more grand resource of Essential Fatty Acids. Eat it cold with fresh cream, crackers, wine and a little hand feeding.
Leafy Greens Eat your salads, ladies; these dark leafy greens assist your liver metabolize estrogen, and produce a fine stability of this hormone that is important for healthy female sexuality. Sure, they don’t appear sexy, but they’ll make you feel wonderful.
Naturally, not one food is going to magically advance your sex life. The key is to shun cigarettes and extreme alcohol and uphold a state of general fitness and happiness. You can’t be expecting to sit on your tuckus all day eating up potato chips and be an outstanding lover!
This suggestively shaped fruit normalizes blood pressure, and you’d do well to eat one a day, for the reason that nothing relatively causes erectile dysfunction like extremely high blood pressure (also known as hypertension).
Pomegranate Juice
A exceptionally sensual and delicious juice, many think that the pomegranate’s superior antioxidant substance keeps liberated radicals from being intrusive with circulation, which would have a constructive effect on erectile dysfunction.
Goji Berries
These super food berries are thought-out as a strong sexual stimulant in Asia. They perk up the mood and health and augment testosterone production. They’re sharp, intricate, and fascinating fittingly.
It is not the sexiest food but it does have andresterone which is the hormone that gives men a fine smell that drives women wild.
This high-energy root stabilizes hormones levels in both men and women and the Chinese have made use of it for centuries to raise resilience and craving.
Ginkgo Biloba
kind of a wonder herb advertized for numerous reasons, ginkgo can be used to boost sexual power and normalize blood circulation.
Superior in vitamin C, guava is ideal for the antioxidants. Kiwi and berries also have high quantities of vitamin C, which keeps the sexual glands running efficiently. There’s not anything like sharing a fresh fruit salad on a hot summer’s day!
Such a remarkable food anyway, avocados are high in EFAs and B-vitamins for hormone equilibrium, and folic acid (which is fine for the heart and furnishes you with liveliness).
Wild Salmon
It is one more grand resource of Essential Fatty Acids. Eat it cold with fresh cream, crackers, wine and a little hand feeding.
Leafy Greens Eat your salads, ladies; these dark leafy greens assist your liver metabolize estrogen, and produce a fine stability of this hormone that is important for healthy female sexuality. Sure, they don’t appear sexy, but they’ll make you feel wonderful.
Naturally, not one food is going to magically advance your sex life. The key is to shun cigarettes and extreme alcohol and uphold a state of general fitness and happiness. You can’t be expecting to sit on your tuckus all day eating up potato chips and be an outstanding lover!
Monday, September 24, 2012
How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body
As a naturopath and yoga therapist for over a decade I can say that pH balance is a top priority when I am working one on one with my students. Since most people are too acidic, teaching them how to return to a slightly alkaline state is a major piece of the healing puzzle.
pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The total pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered to be neutral. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Our ideal pH is slightly alkaline - 7.30 to 7.45. You can test your pH levels regularly by using a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything.
By including pH balance in my approach to health and healing, through yoga and nutrition, I have seen repeatedly students bodies and minds rebuild on their own from all kinds of degenerative conditions that no one else was able to cure. I have found that addressing an over acidic system is fundamental to bringing the body back to vitality. As you will see it is key to balancing all other systems.
1. Digestive System - Most digestive disorders, such as indigestion, nausea, bloating, gastric reflux, are symptoms caused by excess acid in the gastric region and not enough alkaline minerals in the intestinal tract. If the alkaline minerals from enzyme rich foods are missing then the pancreas will become exhausted, and once the pancreas is exhausted, it loses the ability to decode the food and tell the body what to do with it. This will lead to a degenerative spiral of entropy where organs become confused and inflamed.
2. Circulatory System - Acidity is the principal cause of heart disease. It is well established that many fats are extremely important and essential for cardiovascular health. Good fats can actually help heal the inflammation that underlies arteriosclerosis. When the arteries thicken with plague it is not as a response to good fats, it is inflammation created by the internal acidic environment. The body responds to the acidity by lining the vessels with fatty plaques to prevent life-threatening leaks, which arrest imminent death, but strain the heart because the aperture for the blood to flow through is narrower. When the heart becomes completely exhausted, this is known as a heart attack.
3. Immune System - Acidic environments are breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens whereas the high levels hydrogen of rich body fluids keep bad bacteria inactive. As the great scientist, Antoine Béchamp famously observed 'The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.' Whether bad bacteria and pathogens incubate or remain dormant, all depends on the ratio of cellular pH. The germ theory is a narrow view that has been adopted by the current medical establishment, which conveniently relies on a profitable cut, burn, and poison approach to sickness. Surgery, radiation, and pharmaceutical drugs are an invasive approach that is ineffective because they works against the body's natural functions to heal itself, and it fails to address the underlying cause and only treats the symptoms.
4. Respiratory System - When the tissues and organs are overloaded by acidity the transport of oxygen is strangled. This suffocation means the cells cannot breathe properly. Every cell in our body needs to breathe new oxygen and to clear acidic carbon dioxide to function correctly. When the ratio of acidity is too high then wastes in the form of mucus and infections and viruses build up in our lungs, which leads to colds, bronchitis, asthma, etc.
5. Skeletal System - Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases in developed countries. The word arthritis means "inflammation of the joint" and is used to describe pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. The two main form of arthritis are Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Both forms are related to pH imbalance and accumulation of acid deposits in the joints and wrists. It is this accumulated acid that damages cartilage. When the cells that produce the lubricating synovial fluids and bursa fluids are acidic, this condition causes a dryness that irritates and swells the joints. When uric acid builds up it tends to deposit in the form of crystals, like broken glass in the feet, hands, knees and back. Osteoarthritis is not a 'wear-and-tear' condition. Arthritis can be arrested and reversed using a specific protocol that I have developed using alkaline minerals and Yoga.
To learn one of those postures I teach to students who want to alkalize their body and overcome their arthritic condition click here.
6. Integumentary System - Commonly know as the skin. When the body's pH is out of balance then the build up of acid causes inflammation and the skin is less able to function as a natural barrier against infection. As a result, the skin tends to develop lesions and sores open to the surface of the body, and the formation of skin eruptions occur like pimples or rashes.
7. Nervous System - Acidity weakens the nervous system by depriving it of energy. This is also known as 'devitalizing' or 'enervation'. It makes the physical, mental, and emotional body weak.
8. Excretory System - This is also known as the urinary system. It is made up of multiple organs, the main one being the kidneys. The kidneys perform the task of filtering fluids and purifying our blood. If the body is overwhelmed by excess acids, compensatory mechanisms spring into action, one of them is the pulling of alkaline minerals from your bones and dumping them in the blood. If this occurs frequently enough, the minerals build up in the kidneys in the form of painful kidney stones.
9. Muscular System - When acidity increases in the muscle cells, it disrupts the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to energy. This means muscles perform poorly in an acidic environment. An alkaline system on the other hand allows for much better aerobic metabolism and energy for the body's recovery from strenuous exercise. I can often observe when someone is acidic from their breathing because they take large gulping inhales while doing the simplest tasks like walking and talking, which suggests their body finds it difficult to adequately deliver oxygen into the cells - a symptom of acidosis.
10. Reproductive System - Still much research is being done to discover the exact link between sexual dysfunction and acidity and also infertility and acidity. Many health experts that claim acidity is correlated with three different disorders in reproductive health:
Published September 24, 2012 at 2:57 PM
Marcus became a yoga teacher soon after discovering yoga at University. His classes are fun, passionate and often intense. They offer students the chance to go deep within and connect with their breath and release their emotions. Marcus communicates his love of yoga through guiding each student with insight and compassion, weaving ancient wisdom with simplicity and an emphasis on the student’s experience. His primary objective is to teach a system of yoga that fully integrates the body, mind and spirit, and channels that energy to its highest potential and purpose. Marcus continues to grow his own yoga practice everyday while remaining passionate about helping others connect to theirs. He teaches private one-on-one yoga in Sydney. His business Bodhi Yoga provides quality corporate yoga classes to companies in Sydney.
My Morning Green Juice
By Kris Carr
* 2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
* big fistful of kale
* big fistful of sweet pea sprouts
* 4–5 stalks celery
* 1–2 big broccoli stems
* 1 pear or green apple (optional)
* 1 inch of ginger (or less)
Other optional greens we love: romaine, parsley, spinach and dandelion.
4 Ways to Shine From the Inside Out
If you feel beautiful
on the inside - comfortable in your own skin - you ooze confidence.
Overall, you feel happier, and this translates into your physical
beauty. And yet we spend enormous amounts of money making ourselves
beautiful on the outside and very little on improving our internal
beauty. We believe that if the appearance on the outside is flawless,
then everyone around us will believe that we are flawless on the inside,
Looking great on the outside is something
we all want, but having realness about you, instead of picking up every
flaw in the mirror, is a much healthier option. In fact, if we take
care of the inside, the outside will take care of itself. There's
nothing more beautiful than a person who exudes self-confidence and
self-love. They glow with warmth and appreciate all they have and all
they are, and this gratitude radiates from their soul.
How can you become that person who shines from the inside out?
1. Positive self-talk
very powerful way to radiate beauty is to manage your self-talk. If
you’re drowning in negativity, bitterness and self-pity, your outer
beauty will soon catch on - and so will everyone else around you. Say
positive affirmations every day until they sink in and resonate within
every cell of your being. They may sound ridiculous initially, but keep
saying them until you absolutely believe them to be true! For example,
two affirmations Miranda Kerr
loves to use are, "I am a vibrant being of love and light" and "I came
here to be me." Maybe you can come up with some of your own that
resonate with you. Say them, believe them, and then watch the shift and
miracles that follow!
2. Self-forgiveness
you don't deal with your past and your issues, then you give them
permission to hang around and define you. This will eventually seep
through for everyone else to see, regardless of how beautiful you are on
the outside. When you learn to forgive yourself and others you free
yourself from fear and anger. There is a lot of positive energy in the
act of forgiveness and positive energy creates inner peace and true
3. Self-acceptance
people don’t just happen. They have often struggled, made mistakes and
came from a place of despair. However, they use these hardships to take
themselves into a new light by creating and becoming the person they
want to be. Self-acceptance teaches you to remove the doubt that reminds
you of your mistakes, tells you you’re not beautiful enough, not skinny
enough or not good enough. It also allows you to let go of trying to
meet society’s impossible standards of perfection.
4. Self-love
Self-love is true appreciation for oneself, regardless of weaknesses. It doesn't just happen - you have to create it! Love and respect your body by nourishing it with nutritious food, and do regular physical activity (I recommend yoga, and Pilates). Meditate,
learn to be present, and find a life coach. Set boundaries, know when
to say no, and only allow others in your life that positively contribute
to your personal growth. People who master self-love are mindful and know what they think, feel and want rather than allow others to decide for them.
will always be someone better looking, thinner, richer and smarter than
you - so stop comparing yourself to others and embrace who you are and
what you have, flaws and all!
It's not wrinkles
and grey hair that makes us unattractive, it's our thoughts and
attitude that create ugliness. If your inner and outer are not operating
in harmony and with mutual respect for one another, your outer beauty
will appear transparent, and fake. And that is not true beauty!
now let me ask you this: When you look inward and be honest with
yourself, what do you see? Your answer will tell you how beautiful you
truly are.
How to Deal with Negativity and Chaos
Here’s how it works.
Human beings, rocks, plants, animals—everything in the universe—is
energy. According to quantum physics, the energy within something
determines its vibration, or frequency. Even every thought we have has a
frequency. The quality of our thoughts and our life energy (also known
as chi or prana) is what attracts our experiences to us. Negative
thoughts create a low vibrational frequency, and positive thoughts
create a high vibrational frequency.
All human
beings are transmitting energy at every moment (positive/strong/high or
negative/weak/low). The lowest frequencies are produced by unhappiness,
depression, negativity, and anger at the world. The middle frequency is
the state of autopilot, where you just keep doing and creating the same
old thing. The highest frequency is happiness; you are in the flow of
life and you attract and manifest what your heart desires.
people pick up and take on this energy. We’ve all experienced that when
we leave the presence of a person who has positive energy, we feel
positive, energized, and inspired. But being in the presence of a
negative person can leave us feeling negative, exhausted, and drained.
difficulties and obstacles provide us with an opportunity to grow and
learn. Look at your life as an obstacle course. You can face and take on
the obstacles and challenges one at a time, pursuing the course
regardless of its difficulty, learning and getting better as you go.
Then, when you reach the finish line, your destination, you will feel
deep satisfaction with your accomplishment. Or you can allow the
obstacles to become reasons to quit, keeping you from finding your path,
purpose, and destination.
If you try hard there
is always something positive that can be found in any situation. It can
be difficult for negative people to see positivity, as negativity can
become a habit and habits can be hard to overcome. But you can conquer
them. If you can recognize negative behavior within yourself, you can
become accountable for yourself, becoming aware of the energy you
produce and transmit (send out) to others. Once you accept
responsibility for your thoughts, attitude, words, actions, and
circumstances, you will be empowered to make new, positive choices,
which will create a new reality for you.
5 ways to deal with negative, chaotic thoughts:
Try saying "STOP" or "OUT" as soon as negative thoughts want to enter
your mind. As silly and strange as this may sound, it works! Try it and
you’ll notice a significant decrease in the negative chatter of the
2. Just stop, breathe,
and seek inner guidance. Think about something you are grateful for,
and this will immediately distract your ego and remove the negative
3. Change your perspective and ask
yourself if the situation is going to matter a year from now. If not,
let it go. Learn to let go of all the stuff you can't control.
4. Learn to be an observer instead of a participant, a listener instead of a talker; not everything needs a reaction.
5. Remove the source of drama from your life, whether it is an unhealthy relationship or a draining environment. Surround yourself with positivity. It's that simple.
responsible for the energy and vibe that you bring to the world and
remember that what you give out will be returned to you tenfold.
Foreman has a wonderful take on this. He describes his ability to deal
with negativity this way: "That's my gift. I let that negativity roll
off me like water off a duck's back. If it's not positive, I didn't hear
it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy.”
Published September 24, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Belinda is a loving wife and proud mother of two precious boys; and the self-taught CEO of her life, health, and happiness. She is also a Pilates and meditation teacher, as well as a writer. Belinda lives on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia, and is currently working on the final touches of her first book - Living from the Inside Out, A Guide to Healing and Transforming Your Life from Within. Writing Living from the Inside Out ignited a burning inner-flame within Belinda to become a holistic life coach, and opened the door to sharing her healing journey and passion by contributing to various publications worldwide.
More from Belinda Anderson on MindBodyGreen
4 Ways to Shine From the Inside OutSaturday, September 22, 2012
There are a few necessary things in my life . These bring me closer each moment to contributing to the condition of my life . Although sometimes i forget , i quickly remember my priorities.
Meditation /Conscious Breathing Yogic Breathing
Start with 15 minutes a day and work your way to longer of periods of meditation .
Some advance students of breathing and meditation have replaced their sleeping time with 3-4 hours and 20 hours active time . It all depends on you . Start small and go from there .
Eat food with vitamins, minerals , with good amounts of Iron, Protein ,Magnesium, omega 3,6,9
Herbal T, water, natural fruit juice , Try to cut down on the rockstars, red bulls, sodas, and coffee.
Veggies, Fruits , Grains, Chicken, Fish and sometimes I eat a steak. Its all up to you . Just try to avoid foods that are genetically modified , have loads of sugar and preservatives.
Study topics that engage critical independent thought and express yourself on paper regarding these topics. Keep a journal of your thoughts etc. Free write for 30 minutes !
Practice some thing that you can focus your energy and time on . Something you love , that you you feel on every level. Whether it is sex, Art, Music, (dancing, singing, painting, sculpting, crafting etc)
Exercise 2 or 3 times daily , Yoga
Swimming and riding a bicycle are excellent ways to exercise
Marathon Sex :)
Treat yourself after a long day of energy work with a dip in the hot tub, candles and a hot bath , relaxing music , a delicious home cooked meal prepared by you and maybe your lover ! :) and then dessert with your lover or good friend:)
After 8 years i have found quite a lot of excellent ways to take care of oneself physically , mentally, emotionally,spiritually . I put these into practice each day . There are many other
Meditation /Conscious Breathing Yogic Breathing
Start with 15 minutes a day and work your way to longer of periods of meditation .
Some advance students of breathing and meditation have replaced their sleeping time with 3-4 hours and 20 hours active time . It all depends on you . Start small and go from there .
Eat food with vitamins, minerals , with good amounts of Iron, Protein ,Magnesium, omega 3,6,9
Herbal T, water, natural fruit juice , Try to cut down on the rockstars, red bulls, sodas, and coffee.
Veggies, Fruits , Grains, Chicken, Fish and sometimes I eat a steak. Its all up to you . Just try to avoid foods that are genetically modified , have loads of sugar and preservatives.
Study topics that engage critical independent thought and express yourself on paper regarding these topics. Keep a journal of your thoughts etc. Free write for 30 minutes !
Practice some thing that you can focus your energy and time on . Something you love , that you you feel on every level. Whether it is sex, Art, Music, (dancing, singing, painting, sculpting, crafting etc)
Exercise 2 or 3 times daily , Yoga
Swimming and riding a bicycle are excellent ways to exercise
Marathon Sex :)
Treat yourself after a long day of energy work with a dip in the hot tub, candles and a hot bath , relaxing music , a delicious home cooked meal prepared by you and maybe your lover ! :) and then dessert with your lover or good friend:)
After 8 years i have found quite a lot of excellent ways to take care of oneself physically , mentally, emotionally,spiritually . I put these into practice each day . There are many other
where has our mind gone ?
I understand in the world today we have become so busy that we forget to practice knowing and mastering our selves. We have become distracted with mindless programming. This program,ing has been there feeding our minds. The television , the radio, magazines , books and other media have distracted you and it is hard to know who you are . This and matters pertaining to this illusion is a tall order .
With attention on the physical sometimes mental/emotional , not so much spiritual side we are consumed by matters of a false persona . who are we really ? Are we really the clothes we wear or the house we live or the cars we drive? What defines an individual ? Are we more than just the sum total of our experiences ? Is there more to what are eyes are unable to perceive for the moment?
The ego is a tricky character . I sometimes think the ego is similar to a abusive ,tormented scare little child confused and ignorant of the space we all occupy . Like one of those bullies you seen in movies .
Plans have been set to occupy the space in your head , while you coast through life on auto pilot.
Working for others and serving others while creating a living for yourself are not bad things . What i disagree with is taking what others have contributed and given back only a small percentage . Then taking it one step further and demanding others play that game or else.....No bully , i will not give you the lunch i have , just on the basis that you are not to demand anything from anyone but yourself . The toys on the playground are for everyone to play with , not for anyone to squander in a little corner
.I now speak of taking profit and creating a life with the apathy and the selfishness. There will be no more of this nonsense. It does serve anyone just to serve yourself . There are others at the dinner table that would like their helping . If you are creating a life WITH Social or environmental concern then more power to you , in fact i want to donate a percentage of my time and energy to make that vision reality , If your intentions are to collect that which is not yours by dominating and demanding , without sharing , then we have a problem . I am not joking . Consider this the prequel to the intervention .
To be continued .
To all those who Stay true, Stay gold , breathe in , breathe out ! Bless!
Much love and appreciation for you !
I am another you . We are not alone !
Friday, September 21, 2012
suggestions for balance
15 Tips to Maintain Your Work-Life Balance
By Young Entrepreneur Council, Published August 27, 2012
Let Go of Fear
“Many entrepreneurs struggle with fear that if they’re not working every minute that they could possibly be working, their business will fail and they will regret not having put in more time. However, in my own experience and in observing other successful entrepreneurs, letting go of this fear not only leads to work-life balance but also more meaningful productivity and accomplishment.”
- Elizabeth Saunders | Founder & CEO, Real Life E®
Build Lifestyle into the Brand
“These days, so many people are focused on getting funding, explosive growth and spending 80 hours a week on their business. While that’s all great stuff, it can lead to burn out and unhappiness really quickly. Make lifestyle the most important factor in business from the beginning, and then grow with that principle in mind—less stress, more happiness.”
- Sean Ogle | Chief Adventurer , Location 180, LLC
Schedule Your Life, Not Just Work
“Reserve set times in your schedule for activities that allow you to recharge and that add value to your life, such as daily exercise, a weekly date or social night, time for family activities, and an annual vacation. You not only will have something to look forward to, but also extra motivation to manage your other time well so you do not have to cancel on others—and yourself!”
- Doug Bend | Founder/Small Business & Startup Attorney, Bend Law Group, PC
Set Some Boundaries
“Calm down. It’s 11 p.m. You’re not going to lose that client if you wait until tomorrow to respond to his request for a project estimate. Set work hours for yourself and stick to them. If you make yourself available at all hours—while out to dinner, while on vacation, during “sexy time”—you set a dangerous precedent!”
- Steph Auteri | career coach, writer, and editor, Word Nerd Pro
Turn It Off!
“Our smartphones are a part of our everyday lives, but as an entrepreneur, we literally sleep with it tucked under our pillow. Simply turn off the phone and be amazed at how much you can get done—you can even fit in a work out. You have to know when to separate work and life, which starts with shutting off from everything to take time for yourself. That’s why there’s a thing called voicemail!”
- Ashley Bodi | co-founder, Business Beware
Learn Something New
“I started taking beginner piano lessons at age 26 so I could schedule time away from my computer. Now I know that my Tuesday and Thursday evenings are piano nights. I’m paying money to be there, so you better believe I’ll be shutting off my work to get there.”
- Allie Siarto | Partner, Director of Analytics, Loudpixel
Work It All Out
“Being an entrepreneur often uses up all of your time, but it’s important to remember to stay healthy and work out. Try and add a calendar invite reminding you to go to the gym, run or do whatever fits you. If not, you’ll most likely regret it when you start seeing negative results.”
- Ben Lang | Founder, EpicLaunch
Figure Your Fuel
“Too often, the work-life balance discussion revolves around sleeping and exercising schedules; but for nonstop entrepreneurs, the conversation needs to begin with what we’re using for fuel. It’s important to stock up on healthy snacks that will reduce your cravings (for less healthy foods) and keep you going 24/7. Stash them in your desk, computer bag, and car for emergency use.”
- Benjamin Leis | Founder, Sweat EquiTees
Remember Your Friends?
“Many entrepreneurs I talk to often think about how much time off that their peers have because of their cushy corporate jobs. Entrepreneurs should try creating similar schedules as well so that they can have proper work-life balance. If corporations can make it happen, entrepreneurs can too!”
- Danny Wong | Co-Founder, Blank Label Group, Inc.
Delegate Your Life!
“It’s great to delegate bookkeeping, marketing, and admin work, but for many who are just starting off your budget won’t necessarily allow for it. Get creative and delegate more of your “life” duties like childcare, cleaning house, and grocery shopping to a spouse. Having my husband help me out by doing some grocery shopping means I have more time to spend with him when we’re at home.”
- Jennifer Donogh | Creator and Director , Young Female Entrepreneurs
Try Time Boxing
“If you can offload common tasks, such as scheduling and other appointment setting, you’ll free up your time to focus on the most important tasks. Time boxing will allow you to apply laser focus to one project at a time.”
- Jeff Slobotski | Founder, Silicon Prairie News
Put Yourself First
“If you’re an entrepreneur, your business relies heavily on your sleep and sanity. Make sure that you are putting yourself first by eating right, sleeping well and exercising (at a minimum). Remind yourself that those things are critical to thinking, creating and performing at your best, and make sure you stand firm to your commitments to all three.”
- Jenny Blake | Founder, Life After College
Balance Is Not “Equal”
“Personally, I’m not happy if I’m evenly dividing my time between work and other things. I really enjoy what I do, to the point that I get bored with a lot of hobbies. I focus on making sure that I’m doing well on a personal level: if I’m feeling stressed out, I’ll take a step back; if I feel like I’m not getting enough work done, I’m cool with investing more time.”
- Thursday Bram | Consultant, Hyper Modern Consulting
You Deserve a Reward!
“It’s easy to forget about the “life” part. Unfortunately, this ends up making you burn out, while never giving yourself “me” time and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Reward yourself, whether it’s by taking a vacation, treating yourself to a day at the spa, or turning off your devices and reading a book. It will make you a better worker in the long run.”
- Steven Le Vine | CEO/President, grapevine pr
What’s Your Work-Life Story?
“Whether I spend 80 hours a week working on business or I’m on vacation and give 100 percent of myself to my reflection and refueling, my experience of both are pretty much the same. I make it my priority to narrate the story of what I’m doing, how I’m feeling, and how I’m spending my time in a way that makes me feel good and balanced. The story I tell myself is what keeps me thriving.”
- Alexia Vernon | Communication and Leadership Author, Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, Alexia Vernon Empowerment LLC
Schedule It Like You Would An Important Meeting
“If you want time for yourself, you need to schedule it into your day. 4 days a week I make 2 hours for myself through Crossfit. There is nothing more important to me than my health. To ensure I never miss a class, it is scheduled into my calendar weeks in advance and my day is planned around it just like an important meeting with a client. If it’s scheduled, you will do it. If it’s not, you won’t.”
- Greg Rollett | CEO, The ProductPros
meditation exercise
Detox Your Mind in 5-Minutes: The Power of Quantum Cleansing
We've all heard about the power of meditation. It's been shown to ease depression, improve mental functioning, and reduce stress and anxiety. It also reduces what I call Quantum Toxins -- thought patterns, or attachments to negative feelings that actually influence our physical chemistry.
quiets the “monkey mind,” the constant, un-directed thinking that often
brings anxiety, worry and distraction into our everyday lives. Even
taking five minutes to practice meditation can bring us back into the
present moment, encourage better decision-making, and allow us to truly
experience our lives to the fullest.
Let’s take a few minutes right now to detox our minds. Read through the instructions below, and then use the guided audio to take you through the meditation.
Five-Minute Meditation Detox
Step 1: Get Comfortable & Breathe
up in a chair with your back straight. Place your feet flat on the
floor under your knees. Rest the palms of your hands on your thighs and
relax your arms. Look straight ahead but try not to focus anywhere in
particular. Instead, notice everything in the room at once. Take a deep
breath and start feeling your feet. Feel them touching the floor or the
inside of your shoes. Feel the temperature, the humidity; feel the
texture of your socks. Feel your feet intensely from inside. Do not
“think” about them, just feel them, sense them.
Step 2: Scan Your Body with Attention
a few breaths, move your attention to your calves. Feel and sense these
for several breaths. Then move your attention from body part to body
part, first to your thighs, then your bottom against the chair, then to
your abdomen and lower back, your chest and upper back, your shoulders,
your arms, your hands, your neck, face, and lastly your head. Then let
your awareness cover your whole body at the same time. The idea is to
“scan” your body with your attention, stopping for a few breaths on each
part. This practice will strengthen your ability to direct and hold
your attention.
Step 3: Thank Your Monkey Mind for Sharing
may notice that the moment you sit down, you start remembering things
and feel the urge to act on them. This is part of the process. When
those thoughts come and try to steal your attention away from your body,
simply say silently to yourself, “Thank you for sharing,” and direct
your attention back to your body. If you feel discomfort or frustration
and want to stop, just keep sitting still. Know that the discomfort you
feel is not caused by the exercise itself. It’s what happens when you
become aware of your baseline state, that underlying anxiety you are
typically not aware of when the outside world is at full volume and your
attention is far from your body. Becoming aware of this underlying
state is the first step toward dissolving it, and claiming back the
energy it consumes.
Step 4: Where did that thought come from?
you find yourself consumed by your monkey mind, try for a second to
separate your attention from your thoughts and re-focus it on the
present. Ask yourself:
"Who is deciding that I think these thoughts? If I had a choice, would I be thinking them?”
your answer is no, say to your thoughts: “Thank you for sharing!” then
immediately direct your attention to something in the present. For
example, you can focus your attention on your feet. Again, this doesn’t
mean think about your feet, but feel them. This small boost of awareness
breaks through habitual thought patterns that lead away from the
present moment and into distracted thoughts. Anchor your attention into
the present moment as often as you can.
Step 5: Use Anytime, Anywhere
technique can also be used in the middle of any stressful situation
like a business meeting or a job interview. When we are nervous, it is
because our unconscious thoughts are interpreting, judging, measuring,
and expecting. This unconcious process consumes vital energy and builds
By re-directing our attention to our body and breath,
we reclaim that wasted energy. It may be hard to remember to do this in
difficult situations. Start with easy ones. Then try to do it in harder
and harder ones. My personal experience is that if I am even present
for a split second, and remember to redirect my attention into my body,
immediately the energy of the situation shifts. When you become more
present, others in the room feel it as well.
being present will help clear out Quantum Toxins from your mind. You
will begin to be able to use your energy and attention to stay present
and be more productive. This practice will also help you be more aware
of the decisions you are making about what you eat. Practicing this
simple 5-minute meditation is a great way to help clean the mind, body,
and strengthen your ability to stay present and anxiety-free throughout
the rest of your day.
to all my relations
Shaman's Message
To ALL My Relations ~
It is the time of Remembering and Balance.
Reunion in Unity is part our Mission.
Release your Fears, Boundaries, Restrictions and Limitations.
Love must now be shared in every way possible, Unconditionally!
The Telling, Showing, Sharing, Singing, Bonding, Blending, Braiding,
Making of and Dancing with Love in every way, on every level, Woman to Woman,
Man to Woman, Man to Man, from Physical, Emotional, Mental, Soul and Spiritual Love,
to Goddess ~ God ~ God ~ Goddess ~ and back again, by experiencing it all, again and again.
Share each other in Ecstasy and Bliss!
This IS how we will change ourselves and the world, in this, the Changing Time...
for it is no longer "Coming" is HERE!!!
You are my Mother, Father, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife,
Student, Teacher and Friend...all my relations.
Believe it...Trust it...Allow it...Embrace this Love with Passion and Discipline, in Balance! is True! above, so below...Center, Too!!!
We ARE the ones We have been waiting for!!!
We are Here, wait no more.
Walk through the "Mirrors of Maya".
Forgive the negativity of the past, in others.
Give Yourself Permission to ENJOY everyone and everything to the fullest!
BE where you are...Be WITH the Soul you are with in Love, Be Well...
EMBRACE your Blessings, Touch and BE Touched.
Love is the path...Speak it, Share it, Sing it...Make LOVE and Dance!!!
I wish You an Abundance of Wonderful, Good and Amazing Things, Times, People and
Places for All of You on your Journey.
There are more of you, now, that understand what it is that
some of us "Specialized" Shaman do and who we are...more, still, are learning.
We know the path that must, now, be taken.
God ~ Goddess ~ Goddess ~ God ~ Great Spirit will send the correct souls to Us...
...We, the Shaman, of both "new and old", "Here and NOW", are here again for You!
Many of you are now ready, even more will be ready soon!
It IS the Awakening, the Re-Union. We are here and We make Love!
Find us...Trust us...We are the Gatekeepers, Balancing on the Edge of Time...
We are the Bridges between the Dark and the Light.
Come in to your Enlightenment.
Touch and BE Touched again and Again!!!
I Invite YOU to Dance with Me in Sacred Ecstasy!
I AM your Father, Mother, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife, Student, Teacher and Friend ~
In Love, Light and, Service.....May the Blessings BE!!
Lion fire
To ALL My Relations ~
It is the time of Remembering and Balance.
Reunion in Unity is part our Mission.
Release your Fears, Boundaries, Restrictions and Limitations.
Love must now be shared in every way possible, Unconditionally!
The Telling, Showing, Sharing, Singing, Bonding, Blending, Braiding,
Making of and Dancing with Love in every way, on every level, Woman to Woman,
Man to Woman, Man to Man, from Physical, Emotional, Mental, Soul and Spiritual Love,
to Goddess ~ God ~ God ~ Goddess ~ and back again, by experiencing it all, again and again.
Share each other in Ecstasy and Bliss!
This IS how we will change ourselves and the world, in this, the Changing Time...
for it is no longer "Coming" is HERE!!!
You are my Mother, Father, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife,
Student, Teacher and Friend...all my relations.
Believe it...Trust it...Allow it...Embrace this Love with Passion and Discipline, in Balance! is True! above, so below...Center, Too!!!
We ARE the ones We have been waiting for!!!
We are Here, wait no more.
Walk through the "Mirrors of Maya".
Forgive the negativity of the past, in others.
Give Yourself Permission to ENJOY everyone and everything to the fullest!
BE where you are...Be WITH the Soul you are with in Love, Be Well...
EMBRACE your Blessings, Touch and BE Touched.
Love is the path...Speak it, Share it, Sing it...Make LOVE and Dance!!!
I wish You an Abundance of Wonderful, Good and Amazing Things, Times, People and
Places for All of You on your Journey.
There are more of you, now, that understand what it is that
some of us "Specialized" Shaman do and who we are...more, still, are learning.
We know the path that must, now, be taken.
God ~ Goddess ~ Goddess ~ God ~ Great Spirit will send the correct souls to Us...
...We, the Shaman, of both "new and old", "Here and NOW", are here again for You!
Many of you are now ready, even more will be ready soon!
It IS the Awakening, the Re-Union. We are here and We make Love!
Find us...Trust us...We are the Gatekeepers, Balancing on the Edge of Time...
We are the Bridges between the Dark and the Light.
Come in to your Enlightenment.
Touch and BE Touched again and Again!!!
I Invite YOU to Dance with Me in Sacred Ecstasy!
I AM your Father, Mother, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife, Student, Teacher and Friend ~
In Love, Light and, Service.....May the Blessings BE!!
Lion fire
The project of Love
early 2004, Project Love has been dedicated to shifting personal and global consciousness and inspiring actions that transform the world. We strive to accomplish this mission through written materials and books; consciousness-shifting workshops and presentations; sacred expeditions and gatherings with indigenous peoples; community programs and trainings in the U.S. and abroad; specialized environmental projects and those that educate about, and preserve, and earth-wise values. We are currently in the process of launching ourselves to new levels with consciousness-raising activities. These include all acts sacred energy expression .We are working closely with all individuals such as business and political leaders, students, teachers, and entrepreneurs to manifest ways that will create a world our children and grandchildren will want to inherit. Project Love has partnered with many like-minded organizations (see "co-creators, ") and supported diverse indigenous groups. Our workshops and training's cut to the heart of cultural and environmental issues by shifting the consciousness of the societies that are responsible for global imbalance. Please join us in transforming how we live together on this beautiful planet!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Good morning ! I LOVE YOU !
Good Morning!
I was sitting there by the window , pondering all the facets of life.
Wondering where we as a human race we are and where we are headed , the choices we are presented with
and the truth that sometimes is untold and hard to see for oneself, let alone the world.
How is Apathy and selfishness going to create any solutions when the two just don't care anymore ?
There are not one
of WE that is not going through something very personal and intimate right now , and more than just on a physical level. let us remember our journey and the path we are walking .
let us mind the road :)
Can we come to an understanding that we are all family , instead of certain individuals encouraging our generation to go and kill for freedom , setting individuals up for their own self destruction ?
how about we come together ,collaborate and create together, share our ideas and experiences , encourage each others beauty . The level of the solution could very
well be on a higher level than that of the problem .
i know We all are artists , in one way or another , and we are rediscovering ourselves , going through a similar transformation process as a caterpillar or a flower .Are we growing ? We are capable utilizing resources available to create a a real work of art , a masterpiece . This can be achieved through continued acts of self LESS ness,persistent action , awareness of , and having compassion and patience for all life. regardless of any determined food chain .
I have found much "time" to acknowledge , respect/admire , and celebrate this life as a ceremonial gathering , with all life in one form or another my teacher .
I miss the moments hearing others Experiences, some legends told in stories, shared next to a warm fire where people were dancing , singing
embracing the beautiful moment that is nearby
are we cherishing every breathe of every life form in this mysterious vast ?
I continue to learn more every day and regardless of when I am done with higher educational institutions, there will always be a lesson , and a test following lessons. I must always stay sharp , in balance with mind and body , fine tuned , and still open to many channels .
I am not sure why I'm sharing this with you, as some people would say I'm wasting my time . I however think that spending my energy helping others by writing and sharing what i have learned from the experience of life is worth it. I still think with encouragement and compassion of and for others will help them just enough to help themselves .
I have seen too many friends and family pass away from their own hand because they felt like we all do sometimes , alone and confused .
Although i don't like this choice , I don't choose it for me , however I know that that if more people encouraged rather than criticized , helped rather than hurt , shared instead of taking , their would be far less people destroying themselves. With respect for and attention directed by the intended vision with concentrated action the individual created .
What are the contents of our daily life ? What do we spend our time doing ? What do we think about ? What is the real reason we are alive ? Are we practicing what we speak ?
Do you understand ?
If you understand why I'm writing this , please contact me , i would love to talk . We 'll start slow with a email , ok ? If you are interested , respond via email with anything you want to share that would help me know you better . :)
I am looking to meet others indigo's and crystal for conversation and activities such as skydiving, poi,drums and didgeree doo, arts and crafts, DIY and holistic medicine.
Lets cook food, play games , listen to live music , dance and create together !
Project Love is a multi faceted project here to encourage the individual to strive to his or her highest potential . The goal is to help you , help yourself physically , mentally, emotionally , and spiritually. This project only goes as far as we take it . I ,myself have gone through some shit/going through like we all are/.I know it is important to know , You are not alone ! We are all in this together , no matter how alone you feel . We can help each other by connecting, envisioning,expressing, and creating !
The project love also intends to bring people together to celebrate and appreciate what is abundant in our lives. I think once we decide to learn from our past and not re live it over and over again , this time making different choices therefore experiencing different results. . May we should stop clawing our way to the top using violence and misinformation that slows our development both individually and collectively? I think It is possible to move forward , using creative problem solving to respond and resolve any conflict or problem in we experience as we create our future.
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