4 Ways to Shine From the Inside Out
If you feel beautiful
on the inside - comfortable in your own skin - you ooze confidence.
Overall, you feel happier, and this translates into your physical
beauty. And yet we spend enormous amounts of money making ourselves
beautiful on the outside and very little on improving our internal
beauty. We believe that if the appearance on the outside is flawless,
then everyone around us will believe that we are flawless on the inside,
Looking great on the outside is something
we all want, but having realness about you, instead of picking up every
flaw in the mirror, is a much healthier option. In fact, if we take
care of the inside, the outside will take care of itself. There's
nothing more beautiful than a person who exudes self-confidence and
self-love. They glow with warmth and appreciate all they have and all
they are, and this gratitude radiates from their soul.
How can you become that person who shines from the inside out?
1. Positive self-talk
very powerful way to radiate beauty is to manage your self-talk. If
you’re drowning in negativity, bitterness and self-pity, your outer
beauty will soon catch on - and so will everyone else around you. Say
positive affirmations every day until they sink in and resonate within
every cell of your being. They may sound ridiculous initially, but keep
saying them until you absolutely believe them to be true! For example,
two affirmations Miranda Kerr
loves to use are, "I am a vibrant being of love and light" and "I came
here to be me." Maybe you can come up with some of your own that
resonate with you. Say them, believe them, and then watch the shift and
miracles that follow!
2. Self-forgiveness
you don't deal with your past and your issues, then you give them
permission to hang around and define you. This will eventually seep
through for everyone else to see, regardless of how beautiful you are on
the outside. When you learn to forgive yourself and others you free
yourself from fear and anger. There is a lot of positive energy in the
act of forgiveness and positive energy creates inner peace and true
3. Self-acceptance
people don’t just happen. They have often struggled, made mistakes and
came from a place of despair. However, they use these hardships to take
themselves into a new light by creating and becoming the person they
want to be. Self-acceptance teaches you to remove the doubt that reminds
you of your mistakes, tells you you’re not beautiful enough, not skinny
enough or not good enough. It also allows you to let go of trying to
meet society’s impossible standards of perfection.
4. Self-love
Self-love is true appreciation for oneself, regardless of weaknesses. It doesn't just happen - you have to create it! Love and respect your body by nourishing it with nutritious food, and do regular physical activity (I recommend yoga, and Pilates). Meditate,
learn to be present, and find a life coach. Set boundaries, know when
to say no, and only allow others in your life that positively contribute
to your personal growth. People who master self-love are mindful and know what they think, feel and want rather than allow others to decide for them.
will always be someone better looking, thinner, richer and smarter than
you - so stop comparing yourself to others and embrace who you are and
what you have, flaws and all!
It's not wrinkles
and grey hair that makes us unattractive, it's our thoughts and
attitude that create ugliness. If your inner and outer are not operating
in harmony and with mutual respect for one another, your outer beauty
will appear transparent, and fake. And that is not true beauty!
now let me ask you this: When you look inward and be honest with
yourself, what do you see? Your answer will tell you how beautiful you
truly are.
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