Live From Your Heart
a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman
The potential of your life exists within the knowing of your heart and soul. Yet you use your mind to determine what is possible and its limitations prevent the highest potential from being available to you. It takes courage to live from your heart, where the true nature of your dreams exist, as well as the outcomes and miracles that can allow them to happen, because this requires an expanded vision of your life and potential that the mind cannot comprehend or envision for itself and for you.
The limitations of the third dimension are reflected in your life challenges, which are also the separation between divinity and humanity. In a divine world, the heart/mind partnership leads with love; in a human world, the mind leads by itself, with the emotional heart (also ruled by the mind) choosing the present based on the past. Living from the heart means choosing the highest heart aspects, the unconditional love and peace that are your divine birthright. Humanity’s birthright is karma and the potential for love, which is found in the heart through embracing and partnering with your divinity. The ascension path leads to incorporation of the divine when you can live from the heart and choose to express its energies, which exist beyond emotion.
The world does not create peace, love and joy, they are created by your intention for these higher energies in and for the world. The world is a mirror of humanity and cannot reflect more love, peace or joy than each of you allows to exist in and flow from your own heart. Raising the world’s vibrations is the work you have each committed to. There is no single enlightened teacher or master who is responsible for this. You are each other’s teachers and masters, and you shift the world’s energies with every shift in your own vibration.
Choosing to live from the heart requires that you choose a higher aspect of every experience and make a conscious choice for love, surrender, peace, and joy. These energies are all available to you and they exist within each experience but it is a choice you must make willingly and intentionally. When you live from your heart you allow your heart’s unlimited potential to expand your reality beyond the limitations of the mind and venture into what has been unknown to you until that moment. Every moment of darkness has a potential for light; every aspect of fear contains a potential for love, and every bit of sadness, pain, despair and powerlessness has the potential for higher aspects when you choose them. Go within your heart and find the courage to expand its knowing and embrace your highest potential so you can become this in your life and for the world. Heaven on earth is created from following the path of living from your heart and allowing your divinity to expand into your humanity.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The collective consciousness of Earth is a group energy comprised of the energies of all the humans and life forms which live on the planet.
What you experience in your world is a product of your collective pool of thought.
Because your plane has long been in the lower frequencies of fear, it is a karmic plane.
As you have co-created with those of us in the higher planes to bring increased light frequencies into the Earth plane, it is now possible to live "without karma".
This is possible for individuals who have raised their own personal frequency enough to transmute their own personal karma.
It will not be possible for humans, as a collective consciousness, to live free of karma until it is transmuted on a collective basis as well.
This is the process you are undergoing now, my Beloved Ones, the transmutation of the collective karma of Earth.
Each one of you are assisting in this as you pursue the raising of your own frequencies as fully embodied consciousness.
The law of karma is a cosmic law.
It is not one which is based on rewards and punishments, but one based upon the focus of thought, individual and collective.
The law of karma exists upon the judgment of good and evil.
As soon as one, or a group, begin to judge the polarities on which experience is based, then the one, or the group must experience both sides of the polarity.
This cosmic law is also sometimes stated as
"that which you resist, you will draw to yourself to experience."
The only way to transmute karma is to respond to the type of experience which has created the karma in a different way;
.. a way that is beyond fear and judgment.
This holds true for the individual and the collective.
The only way your human societies will be transformed is by humanity responding in a different way to the same repetitive experiences that it has created time and time again.
You, as individuals, are part of the collective;
.. an extremely important part.
You are the bearers of the Light frequencies into the Earth plane, and by transmuting your own karma within yourselves;
.. you are making great changes in the collective consciousness as well.
Many of you came to your human embodiments without karma.
.. Did you know that?
You chose to come here from the higher dimensions above duality in order to assist humanity in its ascension`';
You created karma for yourselves, though, in your present embodiments, because Earth is a karmic plane.
At the time of your arrivals here, it was impossible to do otherwise than create personal karma.
When one takes embodiment in a plane of fear, where the standards of good and evil are embedded so deeply in the collective consciousness, one cannot really avoid creating personal karma.
The influence of the collective is too strong.
There was another important reason that you created karma for yourselves as well.
You created it specifically for the purpose of transmuting it.
You came to Earth equipped with the higher consciousness to be able to do that;
.. to respond to the karmic experiences in a way which would not have been possible for the masses of humanity.
If you are following with me so far, you will remember that each individual consciousness is a part of the collective consciousness.
As each one of you transmutes your individual karma by rising above fear and judgment, you are a powerful stimulus to the transmutation of the karma of the collective.
When karma is transmuted, there is always change, upheaval, as the karmic patterns are broken.
This will be true whether in your own life or with the events of your world.
Since the evolution your world is undertaking now is an accelerated one, the karmic transmutation is also accelerated.
For this reason, there are many turbulent events occurring in your world, and they shall continue to do so until the collective karma is transmuted.
There are still many of you who are very fearful about what is happening around you, and very concerned that the world situations are not improving.
Gently, I remind you, my Beloved Ones, that it is your own fear and judgment that perpetuates the karmic patterns.
Humans have lived in fear and judgment of one another for a very long time.
That fear and judgment is what creates the situations of human against human that you so deplore.
To judge and condemn another human, or group of humans will only create more of that which you do not desire.
There are a vast number of voices speaking to you, both from within your plane and without.
Some of these voices are focused towards the empowerment of humanity and others are focused toward perpetuating the fear and duality.
You will become very confused listening to these voices, as each one has a different story to tell.
Some of them are telling you stories in order to serve their own ends, which do not include the transmutation of the collective karma of Earth.
As Earth has entered the age of technology, the sources of information, of stories are virtually endless.
To look for your answers and your truth amidst this huge amount of information is a fruitless task, one which will ultimately lead you around to the same karmic circles as in the past.
My Beloved Ones, once again I encourage you to focus upon your own inner being and look to transmute your personal karma by rising above fear and judgment.
Withdraw into the stillness of your own hearts to find your own truth and do not look to others to supply it to you.
That truth that you adopt from outside of yourself will be incomplete and unfulfilling.
You are the brilliantly shining Lights of this evolution of human consciousness.
It is you who are in the forefront of transmuting your planetary karma.
Embrace these changes that are happening in your world, as they are the precursors to the great change you seek and are longing for.
By denying them and condemning them, you are merely binding yourself to the old patterns once again.
There is an extraordinary Divine Alchemy also happening with your planet and humanity as it experiences this karmic transmutation.
The roots of a new human evolution are taking hold.
Through the changes that will occur in your lives and in your world over the next years, a human society of Oneness will indeed be birthed.
If there is no change, no upheaval which causes the old ways and systems to be evaluated and dispensed with, then no evolution is possible.
As it is, throughout the entire cosmos.
The realization of desire is not made clear in the absence of that which is not desired.
It is that which is not desired which defines that which is.
My Beloved Ones, that choice to move beyond fear and into your own empowerment has never been more important.
By moving beyond fear, you will transmute your own karma, and also assist in transmuting that of the collective.
I encourage you, each and every one, to begin or continue writing your own stories, rather than looking for your own power through the stories of others.
You will not find it there, in the next group, cause, organization, agenda.
You will not find it on the television, on the internet, in the newspapers, at the movies.
You will not even find it through your spiritual circles, because your own power can only be drawn from within yourself.
You may find assistance and inspiration through your connections with others, but it is you alone that can make that choice to overcome fear and take your power.
You have really not begun to write your own stories yet if you are still living in fear and looking for truth outside of yourself.
You begin to write your own story from a place of power within.
Unless you have begun to write your own story, then you will not know which of the other stories are in resonance with your own.
The other stories will continue to confuse you and create fear within you.
My Beloved Ones, these times on planet Earth are about your own personal ascension, and from the ascension of each one of you, the collective will also be able to ascend.
All you need concern yourselves with is your own ascension, your own moving out of the frequencies of fear and karma.
As you do this, the collective will also reflect this transmutation of karma.
There is no one more important to this planetary ascension process than "you" – the individual who is reading this message right now.
Your own karmic transmutation is vitally important to that of the whole.
There are no exceptions.
Each one of you are key personnel and you are up to the job.
I come with messages in order to remind you of that on many levels of your being.
Your essence is Love, rather than fear, and you are loved, more than you can know.
I AM Metatron,
I AM With You Always
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Take Action: Suggested Activities to Be the Change
Take Action: Suggested Activities to Be the Change
Connect with your own heart. Start by sitting quietly with yourself. Take a few slow, deep breaths while inviting your mind to settle down. Just notice and feel your breath for a minute or so. Feel your heart beating. Notice what you are feeling. Then when you are ready, find and open to the place in your heart which only wants to love and be loved. Allow this energy to flow through your heart, mind, body, and spirit.
Connect with the hearts of others. As you go through the day, look for the heart in each person you meet. Imagine and connect with the place in them that wants only to love and be loved. When you wake up in the morning and just before going to bed at night, open to doing this and to feeling your own heart and the place within that just wants to love and be loved.
Think of a few people that you believe are beyond help like T.J. Ware in the story. Imagine what might happen if, instead of focusing on their shortcomings, we all consistently chose to see their heart. Cultivate the habit of looking for the best in those who are calling out for attention, and then supporting them in being the best that they can be.
When were you bullied or humiliated by others in your life? How did this affect you? What story did you make up about yourself? Are you ready to let go of that story? Explore ways to express forgiveness to both yourself and others for anything done to you and how you reacted.
Think of times when you might have been the bully or have humiliated others. When have you labeled someone or some group (or yourself) in a way that created distance between you and reinforced stereotypes? How often do you do this now? Explore ways to forgive yourself, to let go of rigid labels and stereotypes, and to open to greater heart connection.
Where have you felt all alone in your suffering? How has this served you? Find ways that you can shift your feelings of being alone to feeling more connected with the hearts of those around you.
Connect with your own heart. Start by sitting quietly with yourself. Take a few slow, deep breaths while inviting your mind to settle down. Just notice and feel your breath for a minute or so. Feel your heart beating. Notice what you are feeling. Then when you are ready, find and open to the place in your heart which only wants to love and be loved. Allow this energy to flow through your heart, mind, body, and spirit.
Connect with the hearts of others. As you go through the day, look for the heart in each person you meet. Imagine and connect with the place in them that wants only to love and be loved. When you wake up in the morning and just before going to bed at night, open to doing this and to feeling your own heart and the place within that just wants to love and be loved.
Think of a few people that you believe are beyond help like T.J. Ware in the story. Imagine what might happen if, instead of focusing on their shortcomings, we all consistently chose to see their heart. Cultivate the habit of looking for the best in those who are calling out for attention, and then supporting them in being the best that they can be.
When were you bullied or humiliated by others in your life? How did this affect you? What story did you make up about yourself? Are you ready to let go of that story? Explore ways to express forgiveness to both yourself and others for anything done to you and how you reacted.
Think of times when you might have been the bully or have humiliated others. When have you labeled someone or some group (or yourself) in a way that created distance between you and reinforced stereotypes? How often do you do this now? Explore ways to forgive yourself, to let go of rigid labels and stereotypes, and to open to greater heart connection.
Where have you felt all alone in your suffering? How has this served you? Find ways that you can shift your feelings of being alone to feeling more connected with the hearts of those around you.
Creating a New Paradigm
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
This is for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-----> (Activation)
... Let's Begin`';
The power in the world still lies with you the people, which is why the Illuminati tried to take away your rights by false and foul means.
It only takes sufficient of you to come together with a comm...
... Let's Begin`';
The power in the world still lies with you the people, which is why the Illuminati tried to take away your rights by false and foul means.
It only takes sufficient of you to come together with a comm...
on purpose and strong intent, and you would be surprised to learn how much energy it carries.
Thought is powerful, but it needs to be backed by belief if you are to have any chance of achieving your aims.
Over a period of time you have contributed to different peace movements and that has taken you so much nearer to gaining it.
World peace must come and it will be declared before very long.
Wars are like a pestilence and have achieved nothing but misery and debt amongst the nations involved.
Think of the number of families torn apart by senseless war action and the loss of loved ones.
We can tell you that those serving their countries are becoming disenchanted by what they are experiencing.
Also that as the consciousness levels rise so will the numbers of those who wish to leave the services.
War is a brutal game and has become more devastating as technological advances are made in weaponry.
Like everything else that has no place in the future, it cannot maintain its existence and must fall into disuse.
You know, and we know, that if the same energy had been put into achieving world peace you would have had it many, many years ago.
You could have been living in complete unity and enjoying a good standard of life, without poverty or need.
Of course, the peace that we talk about is to be yours anyway and will come much quicker than you might anticipate.
We have been working with your authorities for a long time to bring it into being, and if possible we aim to bring it in before the year is out.
It is something that we will be allowed to enforce, and have the capabilities to do so.
Nothing can be hidden from us, and we will also know if we are being lied to when agreements are drawn up.
We would consider that unlikely as by then the “right” people will be leading each nation.
There is no time to play around with the future of you all, therefore we will only deal with those who are positive minded and have your best interests at heart.
Thought is powerful, but it needs to be backed by belief if you are to have any chance of achieving your aims.
Over a period of time you have contributed to different peace movements and that has taken you so much nearer to gaining it.
World peace must come and it will be declared before very long.
Wars are like a pestilence and have achieved nothing but misery and debt amongst the nations involved.
Think of the number of families torn apart by senseless war action and the loss of loved ones.
We can tell you that those serving their countries are becoming disenchanted by what they are experiencing.
Also that as the consciousness levels rise so will the numbers of those who wish to leave the services.
War is a brutal game and has become more devastating as technological advances are made in weaponry.
Like everything else that has no place in the future, it cannot maintain its existence and must fall into disuse.
You know, and we know, that if the same energy had been put into achieving world peace you would have had it many, many years ago.
You could have been living in complete unity and enjoying a good standard of life, without poverty or need.
Of course, the peace that we talk about is to be yours anyway and will come much quicker than you might anticipate.
We have been working with your authorities for a long time to bring it into being, and if possible we aim to bring it in before the year is out.
It is something that we will be allowed to enforce, and have the capabilities to do so.
Nothing can be hidden from us, and we will also know if we are being lied to when agreements are drawn up.
We would consider that unlikely as by then the “right” people will be leading each nation.
There is no time to play around with the future of you all, therefore we will only deal with those who are positive minded and have your best interests at heart.
This is for you !!!! I love you !!!!! ~~~>)♫.¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪• . •♫♪*•♫.♥¸¸.•!!!
For you! During the changing of the seasons, these will assist you . Find your local Coop or medicine family/ Shaman . Please stay away from the nasty pharme's ! Support your local shaman!
May the blessings be !
I love you , We are not alone !
Some tips taken from
Exercise, Go! Yoga and meditate( Conscious breathing)
Start with one hour , and go from there!
Meditation may be among the best ways to reduce acute respiratory infections.
Minimize Stress. This is your body on stress: Certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released. Your heart rate accelerates like a racing engine. Your digestion slows. Major muscle groups get a burst of blood flow, giving them energy and strength (hence the fight-or-flight response). Whew. That's a lot for a body to endure. Ideally, your system's natural relaxation response will return your body back to normal once the perceived "threat" is gone. But chronic stress? That's another story: It can impede this response, putting lots of wear and tear on many of your body's systems. Your immune system, for one, is sadly compromised, making it tougher to fight off germs. (Convinced? Try some meditation to deal with your stress.)
Sleep ! Lots of herbal teas !
Catnip Tea
- Catnip is not just for driving your cats
crazy. Catnip is thought to help with gas pains, calm the central nervous system, ease indigestion, nervousness, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, restlessness, menstrual problems, nervous headaches, and constant crying. Catnip is also known as catrup, catswort and cat's play.
Chamomile Tea
- Chamomile has long been used as a general relaxant to soothe the nerves. It is also thought to help with insomnia, arthritis, anxiety, menstrual cramps, skin irritations, PMS, colic, flatulence, upset stomach, intestinal ulcers, false labor pains, fevers, bladder
irritation instigated bed wetting, nervous diarrhea, flu and colds. Drink chamomile tea with honey or lemon just before bed to soothe a variety of health problems and aid in sleep.
Dandelion Root Tea
- Dandelion is known to be a rich source of potassium. Dandelion is also thought to help increase the flow of bile from the liver, purify the blood and build red blood cells. Dandelion is also thought to treat hepatitis, indigestion, gallbladder disease, chronic dyspepsia and constipation.
Echinacea Tea
- Echinacea is widely used as an immune stimulant to expedite the process of getting well. Echinacea is specifically thought to strengthen the immune system by promoting the formation of T-cells and phagocytosis, as well as having beneficial effects against acne, congestion, wounds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, ear infections and psoriasis.
Ginger Root Tea
- Ginger is used as a calmative for nausea, cold and flu, stomach upset, motion sickness, muscle pain, gas, indigestion, colon disorders, menstrual cramps and circulatory problems. Drink ginger tea to alleviate symptoms of cold or flu, or to help ward off illness during the flu season
Ginkgo Tea
- Ginkgo helps to increase blood flow, especially to the brain. Ginkgo is understood to support and increase brain function and improve memory, mental clarity and overall alertness. Ginkgo tea is antioxidant rich, benefiting the brain and body in numerous ways.
Goldenseal Tea
- Goldenseal is renowned for having antibiotic effects. it has also been used for poor digestion, inflamed
mucous membranes, atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, fevers, impetigo, bacterial infection, diarrhea and peptic ulcers.. If you are pregnant, do not drink Goldenseal tea, as it can raise blood pressure.
To all our relations !
Shaman’s Message
is the time of Remembering and Balance. Reunion in Unity is part our
Mission. Release your Fears, Boundaries, Restrictions and
Limitations. Love must now be shared in every way possible,
Unconditionally! The Telling, Showing, Sharing, Singing, Bonding,
Blending, Braiding, Making of and Dancing with Love in every way, on
every level, Woman to Woman, Man to Woman, Man to Man, from Physical,
Emotional, Mental, Soul and Spiritual Love to Goddess ~ God ~ God ~
Goddess ~ and back again, by experiencing it all, again and again.
Share each other in Ecstasy and Bliss! This IS how we will change
ourselves and the world, in this, the Changing Time…for it is no longer
“Coming”…it is HERE!!! You are my Mother, Father, Lover, Brother,
Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife, Student, Teacher and Friend…all
my relations. Believe it…Trust it…Allow it…Embrace this Love with
Passion and Discipline, in Balance! Breathe…Relax…it is True!…as above,
so below…Center, Too!!! We ARE the ones We have been waiting for!!!
We are Here, wait no more. Walk through the “Mirrors of Maya”.
Forgive the negativity of the past, in You…in others. Give Yourself
Permission to ENJOY everyone and everything to the fullest! BE where
you are…Be WITH the Soul you are with in Love, Be Well… EMBRACE your
Blessings, Touch and BE Touched. Love is the path Speak it, Share it,
Sing it…Make LOVE and Dance!!! I wish You an Abundance of Wonderful,
Good and Amazing Things, Times, People and Places for All of You on your
are more of you, now, that understand what it is that some of us
“Specialized” Shaman do and who we are…more, still, are learning.
We know the path that must, now, be taken. God ~ Goddess ~ Goddess ~ God ~ Great Spirit will send the correct souls to Us…
We, the Shaman, of both “new and old”, “Here and NOW”, are here again for You!
Many of you are now ready, even more will be ready soon!
It IS the Awakening, the Re-Union. We are here and We make Love!
Find us…Trust us…We are the Gatekeepers, Balancing on the Edge of Time…
We are the Bridges between the Dark and the Light.
Come in to your Enlightenment.
Touch and BE Touched again and Again!!! I Invite YOU to Dance with Me in Sacred Ecstasy!
I AM your Father, Mother, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife, Student, Teacher and Friend
To ALL My Relations ~
We know the path that must, now, be taken. God ~ Goddess ~ Goddess ~ God ~ Great Spirit will send the correct souls to Us…
We, the Shaman, of both “new and old”, “Here and NOW”, are here again for You!
Many of you are now ready, even more will be ready soon!
It IS the Awakening, the Re-Union. We are here and We make Love!
Find us…Trust us…We are the Gatekeepers, Balancing on the Edge of Time…
We are the Bridges between the Dark and the Light.
Come in to your Enlightenment.
Touch and BE Touched again and Again!!! I Invite YOU to Dance with Me in Sacred Ecstasy!
I AM your Father, Mother, Lover, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Husband, Wife, Student, Teacher and Friend
~In Love, Light, and Service…Baraka Bashad…May the Blessings BE!!!
Aloha!…In Lak’esh…LionFire
Aloha!…In Lak’esh…LionFire
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Dear human :)
Consciousness ! >>>Mindful creation ! >>>>Express your joy ! >>>Let your Soul play ! >>>>May the Blessings be ! >>
What are you going today to do to help someone help themselves ? How about authentically helping someone? How would you do this ?Use your imagination and open your mind and heart . Let spirit guide you ! Can you help someone with out needing to be recognized for the act of love? I think theres potential there :) Potential>>> kinetic> FLOW:) ~~~~~~~~~>
How about helping Someone that could only compensate you with a hug? :) BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WISH TO SEE ! BE THAT SOMEBODY that cares for anybody and everbody leaving NO BODY BEHIND ! I LOVE YOU FAMILY !!! LETS CREATE A MORE COLORFUL WORLD TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! YES EVEN THE ONES WHO CHOOSE TO HATE! THEY NEED ALL THE LOVE THEY CAN GET !seriously though ! To all my relations across the earth I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART !
MAY THE BLESSINGS BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consciousness ! >>>Mindful creation ! >>>>Express your joy ! >>>Let your Soul play ! >>>>May the Blessings be ! >>
What are you going today to do to help someone help themselves ? How about authentically helping someone? How would you do this ?Use your imagination and open your mind and heart . Let spirit guide you ! Can you help someone with out needing to be recognized for the act of love? I think theres potential there :) Potential>>> kinetic> FLOW:) ~~~~~~~~~>
How about helping Someone that could only compensate you with a hug? :) BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WISH TO SEE ! BE THAT SOMEBODY that cares for anybody and everbody leaving NO BODY BEHIND ! I LOVE YOU FAMILY !!! LETS CREATE A MORE COLORFUL WORLD TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! YES EVEN THE ONES WHO CHOOSE TO HATE! THEY NEED ALL THE LOVE THEY CAN GET !seriously though ! To all my relations across the earth I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART !
MAY THE BLESSINGS BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
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