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Monday, May 13, 2013

What kind of garden are you planting ?

What kind of garden are you planting?
One of my brothers said something recently that resonated with me and I wanted to reflect on it as well as relate it to how I see our individual and collective, awareness, intention, vision ,action, and the bigger picture .
What kind of relation ships are we building with another ? Are we building relationships with an intention of working with another , creating heaven on earth ?
What seeds are we planting in the garden ? What is our focus? What are we creating with the resources available to us ?
I want you to know right now that no matter what the conditions, you are worth the flesh you have incarnated into. You have special talents, gifts, abilities, and skills. You have the potential to do great
things ! Yes you do!!!! . No matter who you think you are , your life story /experience, you are in control !!! You and only you are the only one that has the approve of you ! and B. you are in total control of your life and no one else.
You are you for a reason and what you have been through and what you have learned is on purpose. While everything that has happened may be a combination of
people , events in your experience that A. told you your ideas were stupid, would never happen that it was not possible. B. physically, mentally and emotionally abused and used you   ,  it is how you responded with your thoughts, words, and actions that influenced you and environment  .  You were shown many examples both of what to do and what to do . You followed both . I go back to where we are NOW . We can take our feelings and thoughts and focus them on into action with a vision and wisdom to take the steps towards manifestation. We can either create with the blindfold on or off , it is our choice.
I invite you to stand with me where ever you are . We are family worldwide! Malaysia, Egypt, Russia Canada, Peru, Suadia Arabia ,France, Germany,  South America , Africa, Australia, Poland, UK, North America, any country everywhere and anywhere!  Please don't give up ! There are many of us that are strong together that are creating real + change to liberate and awaken all life beings .
Together we are lighting up the darkness! What we do in each moment is directly effecting our lives both on an individual and collective level. No matter what has happened to us , there is a brighter day ahead. !!!!
I have lived a very interesting life (to say the least) and no matter has happened I have made it through. What I have learned and has empowered me .I can handle the current that running through my life .  I know who I am and what I am alive for . I am asking you to see your beauty , your potential and take action .

What is your project? How are you Growing ? What thoughts are you planting in your garden every moment ? What are you harvesting ?

I love you ! talk you later !

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