Let us be aware of all the intensity that is happening in these moments across space . Let us see ourselves for who really are. Let us understand the wisdom that is shared . Lets apply this now !
We are experiencing much change individually and collectively right now . It is the time be strong and remember why we are alive and breathing. Let us be aware of when we are not centered and bring ourselves back to balance It is time to use these moments to create anew. Let us be aware of the choice points in every moment to be the full authentic expression we were born to BE! I will continue to push on , even in moments of not knowing what is going to happen next. How do we respond to challenges presented to us ? Individually , collectively?
What are the solutions that will assist in co-existence , respect and being free ?
There are many who are tired and weary .
I invite you to assist in raising the vibration . Lets link up and participate in actions that will assist the transition from surviving and thriving. I understand that in order for this to work i have to work on my own self and continue to be a better man for myself , family, friends and all other beings throughout time and space .with each individual taking care of health mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I love myself and you unconditionally forever.
I found these next few paragraphs on the net and i thought i would share for consideration . enJOY!
As we gradually make our way spiritually-wise into ever new territories of inner remembrance of what it is we came here to learn and accomplish, we tap into a vastness of knowledge and sentience that is literally infinite. We connect with the Source of this Universal Dream we are cocreating and comanifesting. We adjust our puny little sense of self several notches up until we can fit easily into the greater sense of Who We Are, and even if this inner matching of vibrations and awareness lasts a mere flicker of an instant, it is enough to open infinite vistas of possibilities, realize the magnificence of It All, and often make tears appear on our smiling face as unimaginably potent streams of Love burst through our entire Being in a radiating pattern that reaches to the confines of this planet and well, well beyond.
Change is all about neutralizing within ourselves any kind of ego-centered certainty and surrendering through bliss-filled tears into the embrace of the Higher Self, the Immortal Soul, the Infinite Being of Love we each are in essence. It is opening the floodgates of Divine Light pouring, overflowing and expanding ad infinitum through us. It is unreservedly accepting our True Divine Nature, going with the Flow of Love that spills out endlessly from the Well of Wisdom and Clarity shining at the core of our Being, and soaring ever higher on the waves of Sentient Perfection echoing the Omniversal Creator enshrined into each speck of matter, energy and consciousness throughout the entire dimensional range of Reality. In short, change is shifting up.
What is expected from each one of us in nothing less than remembering, accepting and integrating in every facet of our existence, and within the very fabric of our waking consciousness, the fact that we each are a Living Miracle, the embodiment of Universal Perfection, and the co-Maker of our evolving reality. All we need to do is ask... Ask for a universal upgrade... Ask to have our physical self, brain, bones and blood, adjusted to the higher frequencies now seeping through every atom of our physical reality to catalyze and precipitate the Shift of Ages into an unprecedented era of Heaven on Earth, Blissful Happiness in every soul, and ongoing Communion with the universal family of souls living throughout this galactic Milky Way and beyond in the Grand Symphony of Light, Life and Love...
~ Jean Hudon
Please remember you are not alone and there is support to help you in these times .
Feel free to connect with me if you like
may the blessings be !
We are experiencing much change individually and collectively right now . It is the time be strong and remember why we are alive and breathing. Let us be aware of when we are not centered and bring ourselves back to balance It is time to use these moments to create anew. Let us be aware of the choice points in every moment to be the full authentic expression we were born to BE! I will continue to push on , even in moments of not knowing what is going to happen next. How do we respond to challenges presented to us ? Individually , collectively?
What are the solutions that will assist in co-existence , respect and being free ?
There are many who are tired and weary .
I invite you to assist in raising the vibration . Lets link up and participate in actions that will assist the transition from surviving and thriving. I understand that in order for this to work i have to work on my own self and continue to be a better man for myself , family, friends and all other beings throughout time and space .with each individual taking care of health mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I love myself and you unconditionally forever.
I found these next few paragraphs on the net and i thought i would share for consideration . enJOY!
As we gradually make our way spiritually-wise into ever new territories of inner remembrance of what it is we came here to learn and accomplish, we tap into a vastness of knowledge and sentience that is literally infinite. We connect with the Source of this Universal Dream we are cocreating and comanifesting. We adjust our puny little sense of self several notches up until we can fit easily into the greater sense of Who We Are, and even if this inner matching of vibrations and awareness lasts a mere flicker of an instant, it is enough to open infinite vistas of possibilities, realize the magnificence of It All, and often make tears appear on our smiling face as unimaginably potent streams of Love burst through our entire Being in a radiating pattern that reaches to the confines of this planet and well, well beyond.
Change is all about neutralizing within ourselves any kind of ego-centered certainty and surrendering through bliss-filled tears into the embrace of the Higher Self, the Immortal Soul, the Infinite Being of Love we each are in essence. It is opening the floodgates of Divine Light pouring, overflowing and expanding ad infinitum through us. It is unreservedly accepting our True Divine Nature, going with the Flow of Love that spills out endlessly from the Well of Wisdom and Clarity shining at the core of our Being, and soaring ever higher on the waves of Sentient Perfection echoing the Omniversal Creator enshrined into each speck of matter, energy and consciousness throughout the entire dimensional range of Reality. In short, change is shifting up.
What is expected from each one of us in nothing less than remembering, accepting and integrating in every facet of our existence, and within the very fabric of our waking consciousness, the fact that we each are a Living Miracle, the embodiment of Universal Perfection, and the co-Maker of our evolving reality. All we need to do is ask... Ask for a universal upgrade... Ask to have our physical self, brain, bones and blood, adjusted to the higher frequencies now seeping through every atom of our physical reality to catalyze and precipitate the Shift of Ages into an unprecedented era of Heaven on Earth, Blissful Happiness in every soul, and ongoing Communion with the universal family of souls living throughout this galactic Milky Way and beyond in the Grand Symphony of Light, Life and Love...
~ Jean Hudon
Please remember you are not alone and there is support to help you in these times .
Feel free to connect with me if you like
may the blessings be !
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