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Thursday, July 25, 2013

The moment is now !


I am going to first start out with questions that i invite you to ask yourself at least once in your life . I have
and still am asking myself questions as well ask asking others . I am inviting you to take a closer look at a bigger picture . I want to remind you that the difference between us as individuals are the choices we make moment to moment. We are born here equal . All living beings. Free. You may disagree and that is your choice . I only invite you to re-examine all which you have been taught and told by something outside yourself that it is any other way . I am by no means trying to get you to think the way i think , however I would like you to invite you to reflect on the questions  below . I also invite you to ask your own questions as well as asking others. You could possibly engage in a conversation with yourself or a close friend, family or stranger.

Who are you ?How are you ? Why are you ? What is your choice in this moment to expand and go beyond the "normal" or expected behavior? What are you doing now? How are you connecting with others? What is going on internally for you ? What have you learned about yourself ?
What do you appreciate in your life? Do you truly value that which all is ? In every temple of life? With every being that breathes with a beating heart ? What are you creating now ? Are you responding to your environment , the stimuli external to you with understanding , patience and vitality? What are your actions ? How do you relate and connect with others in your life ? What is the relationship like that you have with others? Is it on a superficial or deep level? What is your relationship to that which dwells inside you?

How is your life going for you ? Why ?

How does this relate to the individual and collective? Does this process require reflection , connection , and action to work?
Are we focused more on solutions above the level of the problem ? What is our energy going towards?
Solutions? Problems?

If you are not living the life you feel your born to live , how can you begin now ? If you want to take it to the next level , how do you want to take it to the next level ? What action are willing to take to create the life you born to live?  I invite you to create ! I invite you to reach the highest descended plane before you ascend . I invite you to create a master piece ! I invite you to the conscious collaboration, construction and maintenance of thriving community worldwide!  We are here! You are not alone !If you would like to reach me , you may contact me by facebook or email . I see you , I love you ! I am you !

mysterious muse

Are you ready to go ?

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