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Saturday, November 30, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
simply divine!!
secret of a powerful man is that he is a pillar of consciousness who is
able to contain all the contradictions of life and remain centered.
This begins by him accepting his power and his vulnerability together in
the same moment. He accepts his animal instinct as well as his
intellectual refinement. He is thus able to hold a woman who is the very
embodiment of contradictions. She is Shakti, containing
all the varied and liquid forms of feminine nature. Ruled by the moon,
she changes with the ebb and flow of the tides. Her orgasm catapults her
beyond mind, into transcendent reality. The greatest gift for the man
happens when he is able to be the pure fire of awareness, Shiva, holding
Shakti as she lets go into multi orgasmic splendour.
The secret of a powerful woman is that she is fully alive to her loving, devotional, emotional and psychic abilities. She is fluid like water, and is therefore able to accept change easily. Going with the flow, is the way of yin. She craves nothing so much as finding a man, or a god to whom she may abandon herself to in fullest surrender. Letting go and being possessed by the divine masculine is her deepest ecstasy. She is able to let go, because her throne is the heart, the seat of love. And every woman knows deep down, that God is love, and that love is God. Since the very essence of divinity finds its abode in her heart, she can afford to be sweet, giving and nurturing.
Now imagine for a moment what an amazing world we would be living in, if men and women lived their true opposite and yet complementary natures, with integrity. Imagine a politician who was in touch with his vulnerable inner child, while at the same time was able to remain rooted in his pillar of consciousness, nourished by deep meditation. Imagine a politician who was able to offer his beloved a night of multi orgasmic union, and was then able to give a speech to the nation on the necessity of caring for the earth as we would care for our own mother. He is both strong, and vulnerable, and this is what makes him eminently attractive. He has learned the art of loving a woman and this has ignited the desire to love and care for his country.
And imagine, how it would be, if a radiantly loving multi orgasmic woman were to work in a corporate setting, and had the power to run it her way. Her office is full of plants and flowers, she offers holistic healing to her workers, and her company has the feeling of a loving family. All her customers are encouraged to love and nurture themselves and she has a unique system of profit sharing and a clear intention to give back to the earth whatever has been borrowed. The building she works in has been designed to honour the undulating contours of nature, and is ecological and self sustaining.
In our present time, it is unfortunate that men have forgotten their deeper potential. They tend to be either at the extreme of testosterone, going amok on a power crazed rape of the earth and her resources, or in the opposite extreme of feeling so deeply apologetic for being men that they become effeminate and cut off from their masculine resources. And women, ahh, sisters, how sad it is to see you turning your back on feminine grace and trying in vain to compete with men by acquiring masculine qualities! You will be able to help yourselves and the world much more, by opening up your true feminine glory. The Goddess is back, and this time, she seeks balance of the sexes. Like two banks of a river, we appear separate, and yet in the middle of the river of life, we meet, and experience being one in essence. How rich is the union of opposites!
I see the future as that of love, joy and celebration. I sense that in the new dawn of humanity, Tantra will find its true place, offering as it does the alchemy for the meeting of sex, love and spirit. When our animal nature is recognized as divine, and when our spirituality is fully embodied, we will then know the fullness of our potential. We will discover wholeness, and healing. We will realize God as male and female in perfect union.”
written by India Irie Sanatana Dharma » Click !
The secret of a powerful woman is that she is fully alive to her loving, devotional, emotional and psychic abilities. She is fluid like water, and is therefore able to accept change easily. Going with the flow, is the way of yin. She craves nothing so much as finding a man, or a god to whom she may abandon herself to in fullest surrender. Letting go and being possessed by the divine masculine is her deepest ecstasy. She is able to let go, because her throne is the heart, the seat of love. And every woman knows deep down, that God is love, and that love is God. Since the very essence of divinity finds its abode in her heart, she can afford to be sweet, giving and nurturing.
Now imagine for a moment what an amazing world we would be living in, if men and women lived their true opposite and yet complementary natures, with integrity. Imagine a politician who was in touch with his vulnerable inner child, while at the same time was able to remain rooted in his pillar of consciousness, nourished by deep meditation. Imagine a politician who was able to offer his beloved a night of multi orgasmic union, and was then able to give a speech to the nation on the necessity of caring for the earth as we would care for our own mother. He is both strong, and vulnerable, and this is what makes him eminently attractive. He has learned the art of loving a woman and this has ignited the desire to love and care for his country.
And imagine, how it would be, if a radiantly loving multi orgasmic woman were to work in a corporate setting, and had the power to run it her way. Her office is full of plants and flowers, she offers holistic healing to her workers, and her company has the feeling of a loving family. All her customers are encouraged to love and nurture themselves and she has a unique system of profit sharing and a clear intention to give back to the earth whatever has been borrowed. The building she works in has been designed to honour the undulating contours of nature, and is ecological and self sustaining.
In our present time, it is unfortunate that men have forgotten their deeper potential. They tend to be either at the extreme of testosterone, going amok on a power crazed rape of the earth and her resources, or in the opposite extreme of feeling so deeply apologetic for being men that they become effeminate and cut off from their masculine resources. And women, ahh, sisters, how sad it is to see you turning your back on feminine grace and trying in vain to compete with men by acquiring masculine qualities! You will be able to help yourselves and the world much more, by opening up your true feminine glory. The Goddess is back, and this time, she seeks balance of the sexes. Like two banks of a river, we appear separate, and yet in the middle of the river of life, we meet, and experience being one in essence. How rich is the union of opposites!
I see the future as that of love, joy and celebration. I sense that in the new dawn of humanity, Tantra will find its true place, offering as it does the alchemy for the meeting of sex, love and spirit. When our animal nature is recognized as divine, and when our spirituality is fully embodied, we will then know the fullness of our potential. We will discover wholeness, and healing. We will realize God as male and female in perfect union.”
written by India Irie Sanatana Dharma » Click !
can you hear meow ?
A Call to the Sacred Masculine: Ten Daring Invitations from the Divine Feminine:
If I am going to act like a goddess, I want a man who acts like a god.
Yet all this talk lately of the goddess and the Divine Feminine seems
like new-age wishful thinking, a fantasy archetype with as much to do
with real life as Superwoman or the Fairy God Mother.
goddess propagandists promote the unilateral concept of a spiritually
elevated womanhood—strong but supple, decisive and nurturing, wild yet
wise—glaringly absent is a call to the Sacred Masculine counterpoint.
Women can forever rally around each other, cheerleading new heights of
intuitive and open-hearted power, but without the cooperation of menfolk
stealing their own fire from the gods, we are preaching to the sistah
Bottomline? Organizing a spiritual revolution as women
without inviting men to the front lines with us means we are
orchestrating a collective reframe with only half the available power.
Real change means humanity—yes both genders—opts for the cosmic upgrade
to Divine Class together.
So, on behalf of the X chromosome, here is my invitation to mortal men who wish to dance as gods with wanna-be goddesses.
1. Show us your heroic heart. We know you want to save what is worth
saving and to rescue this planet from peril. Wage a hero’s battle
against poverty, needless strife, environmental ruin or whatever stirs
your courageous heart. It might be a plan to increase your neighborhood
safety, to improve your child’s education, to plant a vegetable garden
in your backyard or to stop prejudice wherever you see it. The world
needs your brave heart to take bold action.
2. Unsheathe your sword. As a man, you wield a sword of truth that can
cut through cultural distractions to what really matters. The faster
car, the better sports team, the bigger salary are all fine and dandy
but on your deathbed, what unfulfilled vision will you regret the most?
What risk did you back away from? What chance did you refuse to take?
Before you die, be bold enough to discover and live your truth.
3. Dare to dream. Before you played the role of mortal, you (well, we)
created the heavens and earth. What do you wish to create here and now?
What beautiful order do you wish to bring forth from the chaos of this
world. What implausible dream do you want to manifest for the greater
good of all? It doesn’t have to be grand, like solving world hunger. It
can be simple, like solving your child’s homework problem because you
are dedicated to being a great father. All we care about is that
something brings you alive with passion.
4. Steer the ship. Aim your life for a noble horizon. It’s not like
there’s a second in command who will captain your destiny while you
snooze on the sofa after too many beers and potato chips with the TV
droning in the background. Get to the helm of your life and navigate by
your own pole star, the true north of your heart’s burning desire. Tip:
if you don’t know what port you’re headed for, no wind is favorable.
5. Bring your soul to work. Work for more than the mortgage and car
payments—work because you find some measure of joy in your job. And if
the job is just to make ends meet for now, then meet that employment
with gratitude and a call to service. Know that it’s not what you do,
but what you bring to what you do, that matters.
6. Care deeply. As a man, you might have been taught to feel lightly
and think hard, to hold your emotions back, as if you can build a dam
against what naturally must flow. But your caring is what this world
cries for. The tender-hearted masculine is both wise and merciful. When
you weep, you give women permission to be strong. When your heart breaks
we want to know it so that we can heal it together.
7. Love fearlessly. Show us the way by standing firm when we are in a
beautiful rage. Don’t run from our fury—after all it might contain
magical wisdom. In the gale force of feminine anger, your calm is a
powerful reminder that we are met and accepted by our beloved partner.
8. Ravish your woman. Every now and then, take her wholeheartedly,
without apology. Press her against a wall and bind her with your kisses.
Possess your goddess, oh great god that you are, and then let her
possess you. Polarity is a potent nectar and the current runs both ways.
9. Slay your demons. We all have them, the dark part of our hearts, the
crevices where our fear and loathing hideout. Notice what keeps you
awake at night and stalk it. Hunt your darkness and drag it into the
light for loving and healing.
10. Leave your mark. Don’t settle for a fleeting cameo in which your
appearance in this kingdom is so quickly forgotten. What do you want
your children to say about you? Your great-grandchildren? The greatest
legacy is not the wealth you leave behind, but your heartfelt message
that echoes forward to future generations.
Ultimately, this
dance of the divine in both genders is not about lighting incense,
chanting at kirtan, wearing white or even gathering in gender-specific
goddess groups or men’s Iron John style movements designed to reclaim a
lost chest-thumping masculine. Rather, it’s about being real 360-degree
humans, embracing both the sacred and the mundane within ourselves and
each other.
When men are willing to meet women heart-first and
to live from that divine place of kingly wisdom, warrior courage and
boy-like vulnerability, we women are given the gift of receiving all of
you. And we are given permission to reveal all of who we are—the
nurturing goddess, the juicy seductress and yes, even the nasty b*tch.
In the end, the call to a Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine is
perhaps just the simple yearning to get out of our crazy-busy heads and
into our still-knowing hearts. As Rumi says, “I looked in Temples,
Churches and Mosques. I found the Divine in my heart.”
Whatever the divine really is, let’s find it together.
If I am going to act like a goddess, I want a man who acts like a god.
Yet all this talk lately of the goddess and the Divine Feminine seems like new-age wishful thinking, a fantasy archetype with as much to do with real life as Superwoman or the Fairy God Mother.
While goddess propagandists promote the unilateral concept of a spiritually elevated womanhood—strong but supple, decisive and nurturing, wild yet wise—glaringly absent is a call to the Sacred Masculine counterpoint. Women can forever rally around each other, cheerleading new heights of intuitive and open-hearted power, but without the cooperation of menfolk stealing their own fire from the gods, we are preaching to the sistah choir.
Bottomline? Organizing a spiritual revolution as women without inviting men to the front lines with us means we are orchestrating a collective reframe with only half the available power. Real change means humanity—yes both genders—opts for the cosmic upgrade to Divine Class together.
So, on behalf of the X chromosome, here is my invitation to mortal men who wish to dance as gods with wanna-be goddesses.
1. Show us your heroic heart. We know you want to save what is worth saving and to rescue this planet from peril. Wage a hero’s battle against poverty, needless strife, environmental ruin or whatever stirs your courageous heart. It might be a plan to increase your neighborhood safety, to improve your child’s education, to plant a vegetable garden in your backyard or to stop prejudice wherever you see it. The world needs your brave heart to take bold action.
2. Unsheathe your sword. As a man, you wield a sword of truth that can cut through cultural distractions to what really matters. The faster car, the better sports team, the bigger salary are all fine and dandy but on your deathbed, what unfulfilled vision will you regret the most? What risk did you back away from? What chance did you refuse to take? Before you die, be bold enough to discover and live your truth.
3. Dare to dream. Before you played the role of mortal, you (well, we) created the heavens and earth. What do you wish to create here and now? What beautiful order do you wish to bring forth from the chaos of this world. What implausible dream do you want to manifest for the greater good of all? It doesn’t have to be grand, like solving world hunger. It can be simple, like solving your child’s homework problem because you are dedicated to being a great father. All we care about is that something brings you alive with passion.
4. Steer the ship. Aim your life for a noble horizon. It’s not like there’s a second in command who will captain your destiny while you snooze on the sofa after too many beers and potato chips with the TV droning in the background. Get to the helm of your life and navigate by your own pole star, the true north of your heart’s burning desire. Tip: if you don’t know what port you’re headed for, no wind is favorable.
5. Bring your soul to work. Work for more than the mortgage and car payments—work because you find some measure of joy in your job. And if the job is just to make ends meet for now, then meet that employment with gratitude and a call to service. Know that it’s not what you do, but what you bring to what you do, that matters.
6. Care deeply. As a man, you might have been taught to feel lightly and think hard, to hold your emotions back, as if you can build a dam against what naturally must flow. But your caring is what this world cries for. The tender-hearted masculine is both wise and merciful. When you weep, you give women permission to be strong. When your heart breaks we want to know it so that we can heal it together.
7. Love fearlessly. Show us the way by standing firm when we are in a beautiful rage. Don’t run from our fury—after all it might contain magical wisdom. In the gale force of feminine anger, your calm is a powerful reminder that we are met and accepted by our beloved partner.
8. Ravish your woman. Every now and then, take her wholeheartedly, without apology. Press her against a wall and bind her with your kisses. Possess your goddess, oh great god that you are, and then let her possess you. Polarity is a potent nectar and the current runs both ways.
9. Slay your demons. We all have them, the dark part of our hearts, the crevices where our fear and loathing hideout. Notice what keeps you awake at night and stalk it. Hunt your darkness and drag it into the light for loving and healing.
10. Leave your mark. Don’t settle for a fleeting cameo in which your appearance in this kingdom is so quickly forgotten. What do you want your children to say about you? Your great-grandchildren? The greatest legacy is not the wealth you leave behind, but your heartfelt message that echoes forward to future generations.
Ultimately, this dance of the divine in both genders is not about lighting incense, chanting at kirtan, wearing white or even gathering in gender-specific goddess groups or men’s Iron John style movements designed to reclaim a lost chest-thumping masculine. Rather, it’s about being real 360-degree humans, embracing both the sacred and the mundane within ourselves and each other.
When men are willing to meet women heart-first and to live from that divine place of kingly wisdom, warrior courage and boy-like vulnerability, we women are given the gift of receiving all of you. And we are given permission to reveal all of who we are—the nurturing goddess, the juicy seductress and yes, even the nasty b*tch.
In the end, the call to a Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine is perhaps just the simple yearning to get out of our crazy-busy heads and into our still-knowing hearts. As Rumi says, “I looked in Temples, Churches and Mosques. I found the Divine in my heart.”
Whatever the divine really is, let’s find it together.
∞ “LOVE requires no rituals, rules, dogma, doctrines, or laws. It Cannot be claimed by one person or one group. One does Not need to be in a special structure or location to experience it. Love is Not Limiting or Restrictive. Love is Empowering and Freeing. Love is our True Nature. Love is the Religion of the Heart… the Only *TRUE RELIGION*. Free your Minds. Free your Spirits. Free you Hearts. Do you Truly want to connect with Divine Source? Do you truly want to SEE God? It’s Simple. BE LOVE…and then look in the mirror.” ∞
Lets go deeper
all those who are hanging out in the shallow part of the pool, I say
this is a choice, however it is not my choice . hey , maybe i will see
you when you decide to go deeper.
I am not judging you as this is your own choice . I am aware of free
will . If you want to free will yourself into your own destruction , by
all means do not let me stop you , it is your choice. Remember i have no
judgement on you , it is what it is . I will love you
unconditionally!!! However , I do care about each and everyone of the 7
billion and counting. Why ? I am not sure if i could express in words ,
however a embracing heart hug would might work ! I do love it when you
let your light shine and you choose to be free, standing in your power ,
controlling your own self and creating with strength , intelligence,
generosity, and flow .
I invite you to step outside your own comfort zone and be present, open and aware .
What do you want to create more of ? What do you want to create less of
? Leave behind what you dont want to create for what you do !
what you do , do what you love !Are you unconditionally all into living
the life you were born to live >? You ready to live, vertically
aligned and activated ? <((+))> >8:)P (((( ))))
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
The Weaving
By Mary Leonard, copyright, 2002
We stand here, surrounded by the sacred mountains,
At the sipapu, where our world began.
We come from the 4 corners of this earth,
Walking in love, bringing our knowledge of
Many cultures, many languages.
Seeking understanding, growth & change,
For ourselves, our nations, our world.
This is our intention!
Here at this time we create a new world,
We weave a new reality!
We pray for assistance and request witness,
From the sacred energies of our world!
* AIR – Winds of the 4 directions, winds that move the stars
* WATER – Rain, rivers, springs
* FIRE – Our sun, lightening that dances on the sky
* EARTH – Our mother, her sand, her cliffs, her mountains.
* OUR BROTHERS – The four legs, the winged ones, water children and those that creep and crawl.
* OUR SISTERS – The standing people, from mighty tree to smallest flower.
* OUR OWN HUMAN RACE – From our ancestors who first walked this land, to our children’s children, 7 generations distant.
Most of all we call upon
* OUR SELVES, here and now, to witness and strive.
We are here to create a weaving of a new reality.
In any weaving, beauty is created by the warp, weft,
and the Pattern.
We bring: For the foundation, the warp thread,
Human energy, the experiences of diverse cultures.
Strength and pride from our societies, our families,
History, our struggle to manifest our own path.
These we braid together and string on our loom to form the warp, the shape of our weaving.
Onto this we weave the weft of our daily journey, the thread of beauty, spun, one moment at a time, with each step of integrity, as our actions spin time into history.
And the Pattern?
The pattern that will call the rest of the human race into understanding, changing?
This pattern is formed by our teachers and by our intention.
We set our intention to manifest a world
where every spirit, human, animal, plant and mineral,
walks in harmony and balance, health and joy.
We ask our teachers to guide us to actions that flow into this intention. We seek to manifest that divinity within our selves
that will create this new reality.
This is our time. We are called.
Together we will weave a new world!
The Weaving
Monday, November 18, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
So here i am at it again . The moment is now and I am here . I have a new vision . I have expanded what has been , what is possible now and where we will go together . One way or another we are going to experience this together , no matter how much we as individuals may perceive it to be separate. With the passing of the illusion comes understanding where we as a collective tribe stand .
I recently visited with a group of men and discussed how we are going to build a strong foundation for what some may consider a new way of living or being , as well as what it is going to take from each individual within the collective . One of the youngest men brought to mind Focus. He focused on focus .
I would have to agree that it is does take the focus from every one in the group. There is an agreement to bring 100% of ourselves without fear that we may be misunderstood or criticized . If we know deep at our core of our being who we are , and we share our gifts with the world around us without seeking for approval , or worth , or worrying , puffing up feeling important and superior to any living being that is alive right now , regardless of the level of awareness with any being . We all are equal and deserve to be treated as such .
We all have our experience , our ways of expressing our discoveries , and the freedom to be the masters of our own thriving common unity collective . With focus and taking direct actions towards contributing to the collective , we continue to maintain as well as expand on what already is and has been created. We continue to take ourselves to higher levels starting from the ground up . The foundation first , then the walls and the next level or we have the choice to build a ceiling . It is choice what we focus on and what action we take in every moment .
Lets join together and work with others to think about what is possible for the collective . The passing away of illusion will reveal 1 solid truth . I know what i am referring to , do you ? Think about it ? Do you feel it ?
I would like to work with others that are solid in their choice to live life 100%, without trying to control anyone . A collective tribe of relations that know who they are , what they are alive for and who share with others those talents , gifts and abilities we all have within .
I recently visited with a group of men and discussed how we are going to build a strong foundation for what some may consider a new way of living or being , as well as what it is going to take from each individual within the collective . One of the youngest men brought to mind Focus. He focused on focus .
I would have to agree that it is does take the focus from every one in the group. There is an agreement to bring 100% of ourselves without fear that we may be misunderstood or criticized . If we know deep at our core of our being who we are , and we share our gifts with the world around us without seeking for approval , or worth , or worrying , puffing up feeling important and superior to any living being that is alive right now , regardless of the level of awareness with any being . We all are equal and deserve to be treated as such .
We all have our experience , our ways of expressing our discoveries , and the freedom to be the masters of our own thriving common unity collective . With focus and taking direct actions towards contributing to the collective , we continue to maintain as well as expand on what already is and has been created. We continue to take ourselves to higher levels starting from the ground up . The foundation first , then the walls and the next level or we have the choice to build a ceiling . It is choice what we focus on and what action we take in every moment .
Lets join together and work with others to think about what is possible for the collective . The passing away of illusion will reveal 1 solid truth . I know what i am referring to , do you ? Think about it ? Do you feel it ?
I would like to work with others that are solid in their choice to live life 100%, without trying to control anyone . A collective tribe of relations that know who they are , what they are alive for and who share with others those talents , gifts and abilities we all have within .
the root to the throat :)
I am in balanced state . My body is balanced, safe and secure . I am grounded
I have a beautiful physical body to use as my vehicle of creative expression . I take responsibility for my body. I recognize it as a gift . It is my vehicle to work through. I am safe , secure and grounded . I am open, balanced and my roots are bringing me renewal with connection to eARTh
It is okay to feel. I have been given this body and I will choose to experience in balance , centered in self .
I allow my body to receive pleasure. I understand I am open to the enduring energy of love . I am calm , and i bring in the proper influences of emotion and i am calm , at peace and content .
My body is a divine creation . I feel , I learn and experience this world first with my 5 senses . I allow thyself to feel without fear . I am receptive and aware of the voice of thy higher self as well as my body . I seek only pleasure that is healthy and balanced .
I am receptive to divine energy moving into and though every cell of my body. I am committed to expressing my creativity, accept thy responsibilities and making decisions that are balanced and helpful to my spiritual growth . I am guided by and receptive to divine will at all times .
I am love. Everything i do , I do with love . I love what i do and i do what i love . I am receptive and open to receive love . Thy heart is healing and my needs are fulfilled . I let go of all resentments. I forgive others and ask forgiveness. I lovingly let go of the past . I allow the abundance of the universe to pour into my heart. I feel others , however I do not attach to their lives.
The only voice influencing my life is the voice of thy higher self which is divine wisdom of all that is . All other voices I ask to leave. I am a clear receiver.
I have a beautiful physical body to use as my vehicle of creative expression . I take responsibility for my body. I recognize it as a gift . It is my vehicle to work through. I am safe , secure and grounded . I am open, balanced and my roots are bringing me renewal with connection to eARTh
It is okay to feel. I have been given this body and I will choose to experience in balance , centered in self .
I allow my body to receive pleasure. I understand I am open to the enduring energy of love . I am calm , and i bring in the proper influences of emotion and i am calm , at peace and content .
My body is a divine creation . I feel , I learn and experience this world first with my 5 senses . I allow thyself to feel without fear . I am receptive and aware of the voice of thy higher self as well as my body . I seek only pleasure that is healthy and balanced .
I am receptive to divine energy moving into and though every cell of my body. I am committed to expressing my creativity, accept thy responsibilities and making decisions that are balanced and helpful to my spiritual growth . I am guided by and receptive to divine will at all times .
I am love. Everything i do , I do with love . I love what i do and i do what i love . I am receptive and open to receive love . Thy heart is healing and my needs are fulfilled . I let go of all resentments. I forgive others and ask forgiveness. I lovingly let go of the past . I allow the abundance of the universe to pour into my heart. I feel others , however I do not attach to their lives.
The only voice influencing my life is the voice of thy higher self which is divine wisdom of all that is . All other voices I ask to leave. I am a clear receiver.
Friday, November 1, 2013
I am We are god God fractal is I
When there is a hierarchical structure , there is a system built on rules and control . When such a system is in place creates dependency . Individuals are usually unaware of the personal power they have within to take direct action in their own field . The system is always at risk because some body is always looking at somebody else for the answers or to take action. When the "leader" of the followers pass away, lost or something else happens , the "individuals" that are following the leader are also lost . If you look back in history , you will find examples of this .
It is the responsibility of each and everyone within the collective to be aware , taking direct action . It is responsibility of each and everyone of us to be masters of our creation , so what we create together functions/works. This happens when the power of the collective is awake and online within each individual . Individuals who are Self made masters collaborating , communicating co-create a living work of art together .
Collective Collaboration - individuals who understand there is no real separation between one individual . All individuals work together very similarly to the human body. If the cells in the human body are in competition with one another, what develops ? Cancer ? Disease? Ill health ?
Let us look at the cells that are in organized into components and then see how these components work within systems for a healthy fully functional body .
*Skeletal System
The main role of the skeletal system is to provide support for the body, to protect delicate internal organs and to provide attachment sites for the organs.
Muscular System
The main role of the muscular system is to provide movement. Muscles work in pairs to move limbs and provide the organism with mobility. Muscles also control the movement of materials through some organs, such as the stomach and intestine, and the heart and circulatory system.
Circulatory System:
The main role of the circulatory system is to transport nutrients, gases (such as oxygen and CO2), hormones and wastes through the body.
Nervous System
The main role of the nervous system is to relay electrical signals through the body. The nervous system directs behaviour and movement and, along with the endocrine system, controls physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, etc.
Respiratory System
The main role of the respiratory system is to provide gas exchange between the blood and the environment. Primarily, oxygen is absorbed from the atmosphere into the body and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.
Digestive System
The main role of the digestive system is to breakdown and absorb nutrients that are necessary for growth and maintenance.
Excretory System
The main role of the excretory system is to filter out cellular wastes, toxins and excess water or nutrients from the circulatory system.
Endocrine System
The main role of the endocrine system is to relay chemical messages through the body. In conjunction with the nervous system, these chemical messages help control physiological processes such as nutrient absorption, growth, etc.
Reproductive System:
The main role of the reproductive system is to manufacture cells that allow reproduction. In the male, sperm are created to inseminate egg cells produced in the female.
Lymphatic/Immune System:
The main role of the immune system is to destroy and remove invading microbes and viruses from the body. The lymphatic system also removes fat and excess fluids from the blood.
into the components.
I am proposing that we think of selves as cells within a larger system that operates closer to how the human body works. If we want to be the healthy whole expression that we are, each one of us as individuals set aside our "differences" and join in unity , in collaboration , co-creation towards a healthy whole expression as the body of god . Think of each on of us as individual cells or expressions of the body of "god"
From the one to the many . I am who? that sent me ;) any guesses?
How about we organize ourselves as sovereign beings within , in solidarity. I would say this is done and done well when there is collaboration between creative individuals rather than competition ,where others may be competing with others in their own field . When cells within the organs within the various 10 major systems are competing , what does this create ?" Cancer ? What is capitalism?
Check out this article written by a friend .
and then this article
and then this article
When we the cells within the system of the earth body work together in harmony with each other , the systems work together and the earth body is healthy . I feel like this expands out and applies in all areas from the micro to the macro .
To me this is why it is important that the Collective is aware and understands how important that each and every individual within the collective community is in not surviving or just living, but with being and thriving. I AM WE ARE SOURCE IS >. I am speaking of the life where we thrive. Where there is harmonic balance within the individual , there is harmonic balance in the collective ; Should i reiterate once more ?
Healthy whole individual expression from the micro to a Healthy Whole Planet and beyond on into the macro.
Much love and appreciation for you !!! Together we are lighting up the darkness . Master Peace!
It is the responsibility of each and everyone within the collective to be aware , taking direct action . It is responsibility of each and everyone of us to be masters of our creation , so what we create together functions/works. This happens when the power of the collective is awake and online within each individual . Individuals who are Self made masters collaborating , communicating co-create a living work of art together .
Collective Collaboration - individuals who understand there is no real separation between one individual . All individuals work together very similarly to the human body. If the cells in the human body are in competition with one another, what develops ? Cancer ? Disease? Ill health ?
Let us look at the cells that are in organized into components and then see how these components work within systems for a healthy fully functional body .
*Skeletal System
The main role of the skeletal system is to provide support for the body, to protect delicate internal organs and to provide attachment sites for the organs.
Muscular System
The main role of the muscular system is to provide movement. Muscles work in pairs to move limbs and provide the organism with mobility. Muscles also control the movement of materials through some organs, such as the stomach and intestine, and the heart and circulatory system.
Circulatory System:
The main role of the circulatory system is to transport nutrients, gases (such as oxygen and CO2), hormones and wastes through the body.
Nervous System
The main role of the nervous system is to relay electrical signals through the body. The nervous system directs behaviour and movement and, along with the endocrine system, controls physiological processes such as digestion, circulation, etc.
Respiratory System
The main role of the respiratory system is to provide gas exchange between the blood and the environment. Primarily, oxygen is absorbed from the atmosphere into the body and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.
Digestive System
The main role of the digestive system is to breakdown and absorb nutrients that are necessary for growth and maintenance.
Excretory System
The main role of the excretory system is to filter out cellular wastes, toxins and excess water or nutrients from the circulatory system.
Endocrine System
The main role of the endocrine system is to relay chemical messages through the body. In conjunction with the nervous system, these chemical messages help control physiological processes such as nutrient absorption, growth, etc.
Reproductive System:
The main role of the reproductive system is to manufacture cells that allow reproduction. In the male, sperm are created to inseminate egg cells produced in the female.
Lymphatic/Immune System:
The main role of the immune system is to destroy and remove invading microbes and viruses from the body. The lymphatic system also removes fat and excess fluids from the blood.
into the components.
I am proposing that we think of selves as cells within a larger system that operates closer to how the human body works. If we want to be the healthy whole expression that we are, each one of us as individuals set aside our "differences" and join in unity , in collaboration , co-creation towards a healthy whole expression as the body of god . Think of each on of us as individual cells or expressions of the body of "god"
From the one to the many . I am who? that sent me ;) any guesses?
How about we organize ourselves as sovereign beings within , in solidarity. I would say this is done and done well when there is collaboration between creative individuals rather than competition ,where others may be competing with others in their own field . When cells within the organs within the various 10 major systems are competing , what does this create ?" Cancer ? What is capitalism?
Check out this article written by a friend .
and then this article
and then this article
When we the cells within the system of the earth body work together in harmony with each other , the systems work together and the earth body is healthy . I feel like this expands out and applies in all areas from the micro to the macro .
To me this is why it is important that the Collective is aware and understands how important that each and every individual within the collective community is in not surviving or just living, but with being and thriving. I AM WE ARE SOURCE IS >. I am speaking of the life where we thrive. Where there is harmonic balance within the individual , there is harmonic balance in the collective ; Should i reiterate once more ?
Healthy whole individual expression from the micro to a Healthy Whole Planet and beyond on into the macro.
Much love and appreciation for you !!! Together we are lighting up the darkness . Master Peace!
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