I think the weather has a lot to do with collective energetic ( thoughts, emotions ).
i am sure you are aware how we create a work of art . Now i ask you to Imagine taking what we know about creating on that microscopic level and apply it to the macro in the now moment within and around the
energetic quantum level. We can apply this 2 anything, which is a much a larger canvas or medium. Cultures, civilizations, "countries, worlds, etc etc. It all starts with our awareness and our choice .
Our weather is reflecting the weather within each and everyone of us . What is inside is outside and outside is inside . The weather and war on the outside is revealing what is going on within . All is a reflection of where we are within. Are we at peace or are at war with ourselves? Do we truly know and live our authentic expression or are we distracted and feeding into fear, shame, blame, guilt, grief, lies, illusions and attachments? Are we Living in the home within our temple/sanctuary, in the high place above the clouds of confusion ? Are we shining or dimming our light? Are we empowering others through our own conscious actions?
Again let me reiterate Where intention goes, energy flows.
This is why it is so important to not feed into the fear. >
1. It is nothing more than illusion, however if we feed into the illusion we bring it into manifest .
thereby creating our own personal nightmare or Garden of abundance. > Now what we feed , grows. If enough people feed into whatever the focus or thought is , it begins to creates the snow ball effect and it just builds and builds until it so big that it is hard to know what to do, and it usually does alot of damage! It takes an open eye and strong open heart with full source connection ,active, online to be in the here and now. !! Trusting ourselves that no matter what we are strong enough to make it through this dark night and shine light for others to see and reignite their own flame ( awareness) This is also about Standing strong together ! Solidarity and conscious co-creation ! I say once more ! We are not alone! :) Let us stand strong as we face that pennywise the clown ! Remember how IT the clown was taken care of ? how about in the movies matrix or in the movie a wrinkle in time or with fifth element ? It did not work with acts of violence or aggression ! It is happened through our love and awareness!!!! LOVE AND AWARENESS!!!!!!!!!
The all seeing eye within each and everyone can not be fooled unless we turn it off through one form or another, i am sure you know and are aware of the many ways this happens . All the poison in this world is passed down within our traditions or set patterns of being . However some traditions are not honoring our whole self expression . we want you to be aware yet unafraid of taking direct creative intelligent wise action !
We are lighting up the darkness and being more aware of the lighter to darker aspects of self. This awareness of shadow , making the unconscious conscious is This is one way how i feel i can help.
I will reveal everything from within and i will share it for the benefit of everyone ! All i can do is be present ,show up and do my best to create from the micro to the macro .
Since 2004 and even earlier than this , I have been engaging in ways to study, express and practice the art of being . This has included many ways
and does not consist of a set pattern or one modality.. Like with Art , there are many mediums , and many ways to create from the micro to the macro. it goes back to just being and breathing !!!!!!
Artwork and creative expression such as dancing , singing , chanting, and holding sacred ceremony.
I start with this first and then we advance . kind of like mathematics . :) ;) Once you understand the basics, the more you are able to receive if you remain centered and balanced , awake , and open , present in the NOW. I will show you how to create from the micro to the macro . When the student is ready , the teacher will appear , however i ask you now are you ready to face your fears?It is important to remember to care for this body vessel however remember this body with brain is not who you are !!!!!
Whole being , whole self expression includes all aspects to come together from the micro to the macro ! The art of being whole !!!!!!
Let me say it again, When we invest our own energy into taking our lives to higher levels we will experience more and more and it will just keep expanding like a never ending story or master piece.
It is very similar to much playing like Lego building blocks of quanta or energy. What we think about and put energy into we create and experience.
When we are in the that moment of NOW , we feel it beyond the five senses, we know it , we LIVE and breathe the master peace .
Open channel receiving, transmitting, projecting, creating. this type of living is a way of life . We are a work of art , an expression of beauty,capable of expressing and co-creating a beautiful master peace together . Can you see it with your third eye ? I can envision it and i know you can too if you are clear, open, centered and balanced within, the eye will reveal what is and what is not .
This why the mass majority has been poisoned with various toxins. The biggest being fear itself . I am do my best to express through this form the experience through each moment of this body holding space and vibration.
It is important to remember , there is nothing to be afraid of. we are not alone ! We are not alone , we are not alone !

Instead of contributing and feeding into the negative vibration of fear,judgement and ego. Move beyond into expanded being ,understanding and responding masterfully to the moment with peace of mind centered and balanced within.
Envision, Connection, Action , and celebration.
Here is some other links that could also help you .!
i work on the all levels from the physical, mental,emotional, and energetic levels. I see with the eye of providence. I am here to serve . I have much experience and many skills , talents and abilities~ Ask and ye shall receive.
Let me know how i can help you !
-mysterious muse
itzda lumen
>> "Remember it only takes a second to slip , that's why it is important to remain aware within it , get the job done , theres no need to flaunt it , the question for you is how do want it ? Blasting down matter from the heavens ? "LCOB
7 (top of head) - An idea comes through inspiration from our higher self into our awareness at our crown chakra.
6 (forehead, third eye) - Our intuition and our mind are used to expand and refine our understanding of this idea.
5 (throat) - We begin to communicate and share our idea verbally or otherwise. Our idea also communicates and combines with our other ideas.
4 (heart) - Our idea begins to be felt in the heart as we try it on for size and decide if it feels right for us.
3 (solar plexus) - We use our third chakra to create the situations and structures which will contain our idea.
2 (naval) - Our creative energy fills this container, breathing life force into our idea and bringing it to life.
1 (base of spine) - Our idea is birthed into the physical, and the umbilical cord is severed. At this point, we can admire our creation as something separate from ourself, created by us but no longer just part of us.
Although I've described the process in linear steps, ideas are often being processed in multiple chakras at the same time. I especially like the last three steps in this creation story, as they represent my new understanding of this process. I'm looking forward to applying these new ideas to creations in my life. I expect I'll be both delighted and amused by the results. I encourage you to also play with these ideas but not take them too seriously. Keep the parts you like and rewrite the rest into your own story of creation!
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