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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

shared housing &etc

>>>i have many experiences of living with others in shared housing situations , from small communities, ranches, to villages some places with a population of down to 2 !. I was living sometimes in dorms with 40 or more people sometimes "from days to weeks, to years" . I spent some "time"at job corps learning and remembering different techniques and styles of the craft of carpentry and pottery. I also involved myself with a variety of activities and groups that were all working together at job corps kind of like how cells work within organs, and systems that ensure a healthy whole body . I became involved in leadership positions in many different clubs, organizations , and the focus of many activities and events. I did notice that even at this level , most of the positions of power werwe occupied by individuals who had forgotten what true power is and where its found. Within each us < ( knowing that power comes from self mastery and nothing to do with control or manipulate others . I was holding more responsibility than most of the others who were there . sometimes i would even workplay up to "122 hrs a week" Even though i was "workplayin " I met with some many awemazing and wonderful people and had a lot of fun , and i still do !
I worked for the forest service "circus"  and had quite the experience out at different camps dealing with wildfires and helping the fire fighters with supplies and everything they needed to make sure the fire was "contained" We had to all work together and stay in communication with o ne another. If there were differences or conflict within , i would help mediate to peaceful resolution . This is something i feel i have known how to do for a while.
So I have been developing the plans for a small creative healing arts village that i want to co-create with others. If you are interested , please let me know so we can possibly co-create it together! The project of love !!!!
I realize There are lots of little specifics that need to be taken into consideration for both the creation and maintenance of the project . I have experience on many levels from the micro to the macro. This creative healing arts village is part of the project of love, that i started in 2003 within the space we call Portland Oregon.
i envisioned and still do envision This commonunity creative and healing arts center, on about 0-90 acres land, near the mountains, oceans, in the country away from the cities . It always has been a strong part of what i felt i was here to design , create , build and share. I have had this "vision" ever since about "5 years" of being inside this body.
I have put so much energy into giving birth to a new world , that i forget to eat, and i rarely am able to get much sleep. I feel like i can "sleep later" hahaha.I guess about 3-4 hrs works for "sleep". I think of it more as meditation and healing /processing time for information and nutrients, so i can resume in co-creating, with a refreshed body, expressing into form something that is beautiful and practical .
I feel with the expression that i am , I am expressing into form that which we are giving birth to, > together .l am here to focus this transformation and expand it out !
Please connect with me and share your expression! However you can ! I f you can help or know someone who can , please let me know !!!Much love and appreciation for you ! Shine on!

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