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Thursday, November 27, 2014

To whom it may concern ! Attention !

Greetings! "Fat cats" 
This is not going to be a slaughter house any longer , nor are these brothers and sisters going to be slaves nor batteries or cattle. We are taking this power back and it is expanding out like the 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,35,......... there is no stopping what can not be stopped . We have hacked this matrix of fear and there is nothing that will stop the unified harmonic ,electro magenetic , pyscho-kinetic master expression of source in action , nothing ! Lulz that is all ,  We proclaim sovereignty and solidarity !

Whether or not its a piece of paper, a number in the computer or some tangible and inanimate object , it is a man made system created by slave owners who were turned into false idols etc. (How well do we really know our history and how many of us want to repeat the insanity ? not this "guy" .)) True wealth comes from within our expression and who we are beyond the physical form . >>>>> This my statement to those "fat cats.
>>>>> I will not stop, i will continue on in this moment of now, now , now , intending on and recreating Affluence for all to share and thrive! vision , connection, action and celebration .
.I intend on revealing to you the Wealth of spirit and resources available above, below and center too!. There is no scarcity . There is Plenty to share with loved ones and friends. know that wealth comes from being love and being aware , not a figure on a computer screen or any inanimate tangible object! The time is now to create a foundation that will secure wealth for long-term. lets work towards our whole self expression as one sovereign one and one in unity within our diversity !The new moment is now and it is our great opportunity to create beauty and share in love as open , clear, aware, and present , centered and balanced within. The Cycle of fear, intimidation , project fear, and duality ignorance will be no more , project of love is here ! be satisfied with your homework and share your beautiful expression ! . Stability is at hand. Relax and enjoy time with your loved ones, while taking direct creative non aggressive action towards harmonic resonance with all living beings! the biggest illusion is that we are seperate and alone in this world. heir is no us and them , for there is only one being expressing and reflecting in billion and billion of ways , much like cells, we are operating within certain organized systems such as cells in organs, within the major systems that make the complete whole self , however this extends past the physicality, and the individuals "own" individuated mentality into something so wonderful , words cannot go, however much is still expressed energetically . While this has been the experience of some who have had traumatic experiences , this is not the truth . We are more connected that the individual may perceive. i love you !
Here in this moment of NOW , NOW NOW t i have Transcended the mammalian politics which monitors, divides and creates power struggles through dualism among terrestrial humanity in the moment of now . I flow through the illusion staring , smiling all illusions, fear, etc in the face laughing . i invite you Stand your ground as sovereign and infinite expressions of source taking creative action towards harmonic resolve in solidarity. I See the mammalian politics as static, artificial elaborate charades of illusion . I invite anyone other than myself 2 be the one who is neither coercively manipulated into another's territorial reality nor forced to struggle against it with reciprocal emotional game-playing (the usual soap-opera dramatics). invite we to join together and create consciously the experience we envision from within our being , Third eye open ! It is we, here at the crossroads in this moment who simply elects, consciously, whether or not to share the other's reality-model. We can agree and consent to the insanity or be the masters we were born to be and transcend the mammalian politics that are static, artificial illusions and co create something beautiful from our choice of authentic whole expression. Healthy , aware, clear, open, centered , balanced, with peace within , FREE.

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