Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism 
Below are some supplements that might help improve your thyroid health. Always remember to also include a good multivitamin supplement to make sure you are not deficient in any vitamins.
Iodine -- You can increase your iodine intake through diet and kelp supplementation. Kelp is rich in iodine and is very affordable. I buy it in tablet form with 225 mcg. of iodine per tablet. I had low levels of iodine because I didn't like to salt my food. Now I use natural sea salt that doesn't have iodine in it and so I supplement with kelp tablets. There used to be plenty of iodine in vegetables and fruits but the soil is very iodine depleted in most areas today. Foods that contain iodine are yogurt, eggs, meat, fish and other seafood, radish, parsley, potatoes, oatmeal and bananas.Coconut Oil and Thyroid health The Coconut diet and thyroid help
Selenium -- Many people diagnosed with hypothyroidism were found to be selenium deficient. Selenium is required to convert the T4 thyroid hormone to the active T3 form. As an example, the selenium containing enzyme type-I-iodothyronine-deiodinase is important for the conversion of T4 to T3. So selenium deficiency can reduce the activity of the thyroid hormones.
Tyrosine -- Tyrosine is an amino acid needed by the body to manufacture thyroid hormones from iodine. And so the use of tyrosine as a dietary supplement increases production of thyroid hormones.
Thyroid Glandular -- Thyroid glandular supplements have been used since the beginning of thyroid treatment. Usually it is only sold through your practitioner or by prescription (like Armour) but there are some over-the-counter thyroid glandular supplements available.
Bladderwrack-- Bladderwrack is a seaweed that is a rich source of iodine. Traditionally it has been used for weight loss and hypothyroidism. The low incidence of goiter in maritime people has been attributed to the iodine in bladderwrack. It also contains the minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. Bladderwrack is thought to stimulate the thyroid gland increasing metabolism.
Coconut Oil -- Below are two articles about coconut oil and how it benefits the thyroid. They also talk about why coconut oil helps you lose weight as well.
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