“What you do is what the whole universe is doing at the place you call the here and now. You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that the wave is something that the whole ocean is doing. The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real deep-down you is the whole universe.” – Alan Watts
As Kundalini energy rises up from the lower chakras, we enter into the realm of pure consciousness. The Vital Breath has been inhaled, the Sacred Utterance has been spoken, the Divine Light has been felt, and the Third Eye has been opened. We now know the truth that only higher consciousness can bring: one is all and all is one. We are now, and forever more, receptive to stimuli to which, in the time before, we were insensate. Shakti has removed the Veils of Maya (illusion), which have evaporated like a mirage. This article will discuss the eternal significance of the seventh and final chakra: Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra.
We have now ascended the chakra from which all chakras emanate. We have achieved the last milestone of human awareness, the pinnacle of the human spiritual condition. Here, sacred energy is infinite and wisdom is pure and eternal. Before, things were merely relative. Now, things are absolute. We have obtained a state of Nirvikalpa Samādhi, a state of non-duality where we realize we are one with the cosmos and everything in the cosmos is one with us. A singularity of self has been reached.
The Sahasrara chakra is symbolized by a lotus with a thousand different colored petals, arranged in twenty layers of 50 petals. It encompasses the crown of the head, where all chakras are integrated, while it passes into infinity from the top of the head. It is said to be the most elusive chakra in the kundalini process. This chakra is associated with wisdom, enlightenment and transcendence. Its governing planet is Uranus, and it is often linked to the pituitary gland.
The presiding Deity of the Sahasrara Chakra is Shri Lalita Devi, or the Thousand Named Goddess. It is said that she gives us the power to awaken the kundalini in others, upon awakening ourselves. As the Paraclete Shri Mataji is known to have said, “This center of a thousand petals covers the limbic area of the brain like the closed bud of a lotus. Above this covering is the balloon-like structure of ego and superego.
As the brain is covered completely when these two institutions join and calcification takes place on top of the head; that is how we become a closed personality. At the time of our awakening, of our second birth, this egg-like personality breaks at the top of the head.”
The true nature of the seventh Chakra is beyond human comprehension. No words can do it justice. When our crown chakra is cleansed and open we experience divine union and cosmic love, stretching out forever. Vibratory awareness becomes paramount as kundalini unites us with the infinite wavelength of eternal vibration. Our unique frequency is in tune with the cosmic orchestra. The Collective Unconscious has become manifest.
When our crown chakra is blocked or closed, however, we feel disconnected spiritually. We tend to doubt everything we’ve known to be true. In worst case scenarios we tend to fall into an existential blackhole, or Dark Night of the Soul.
Here’s the beautiful double-edged sword of spiritual enlightenment: if we are able to make it through these dark times and shed that which weighed us down, then our crown chakra opens up once again, even wider than before, and we once again become receptive to stimuli to which before we were insensate. This can happen many times on our spiritual journey, and each time we tend to gain new levels of wisdom.
Sahasrara Chakra Meditation:
This chakra, more than any other, is about complete surrender and dissolution; a letting go of the hold the physical world has on us. While meditating with your hands over your solar plexus, let the little fingers point up and away from you, touching at their tips, while braiding the rest of the fingers with the left thumb underneath the right. Open the third eye, and focus upon the thousand-petaled crown splintering off into the cosmos.
Feel the powerful kundalini energy pooling up from your roots, passing through the sacred waters of the sacral, basking in the fire of the solar plexus, breathing in the vital breath of the heart, absorbing the ethereal voice of the throat, pouring through the dissolution of the Third Eye, and spilling up and out like a mighty fountainhead into the greater cosmos.
Imagine kundalini circulating through your body, from Crown to Root and back again, over and over. Further imagine the universe as a giant mirror, while heeding the wisdom of Khalil Gibran, “Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are the eternity and you are the mirror.”
Image Source:
Sahasrara or crown chakra
The Kundalini serpent
Lalita devi deity of Crown chakra
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