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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Knowthyself Rough draft chapter 1

Who are you really? Why are you alive ? What are you here for ,in this moment to bring ?
These may be some of the questions you have asked yourself . I know from my own experience, that these were some of the same questions i asked myself and still do in these moments as i feel like i am always anew in each moment. There is a point where anyone curious enough will ask themselves some of these same questions as well as questions relating to self- awareness . The starting point is always now .
One of the oldest sayings that i remember is “Know thyself “. What does this mean ? What does mean to you ? I know what it means to me .
To me i always had a sense of self , starting from when i was younger . As i moved through this experience i came to understand more of who i was in every moment .
There were plenty of times i was asked who i was and i had a pretty clear answer . I remember there were times when i expressed who i was . I would usually express this truth through art , playing music and writing . I would usually show through action the truth of the being that i am .
I did this on many levels , and whether it was recognized or honored by others was not my concern . There were some individuals that did not understand or recognize , however i was not going to hold this against them as i understand through observation of information received ,that there was a large percentage of people who had forgotten the truth of their natural being within and that through my being i was going to help others remember .
This being went beyond the self as some know and what the self was alive for , was to be remembered through a type of discovery
I am not here to tell you who you are . I invite you to know thyself . I am here to remind you of your sovereignty , your beauty , your true essence , beyond that of the carbon form , the bank accounts, the status in society , the mind , the emotions , and anything else the majority considers to be the self . Who are you ? Why are you alive ? What would you like to do to contribute ?
Take some time reflect on some of these questions . Sit with these questions that you ask yourself . I suggest finding a quiet area that is peaceful and offers a opportunity to ask yourself these questions.
Trust yourself and be patient . If you are open to your own inner voice , you most likely will receive the answers to the questions that you have around this matter of awareness of self . I also invite you to not close yourself of based on what someone else thinks . Sometimes writing or meditation will help . Remember to be patient and try not to complicate who you are beyond the form with the essence of who we are at the core level . We all know , sometimes we forget and their will someone in our life that will remind us of the beauty we all are .
I am that , I am . I am everything , and yet i am nothing . I am we . Together we are ……

Who are you ? How do you define yourself ?
Why are you alive ?
What are your talents, skills , abilities?
How would you like to bring more of yourself?
How do you express your energy ?
What would you like to do now that will bring your gifts , talents , skills and abilities to your friends, families, communities, world ?

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