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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some open invitations from we at project of love and lightraisers . Chapter 7

Chapter 7 rough draft

Invitations of the project of  love

 *Love and have understanding of those who do not see eye to eye. Jesus said love thy enemy. Or at least, have compassion for them. This may be challenging for you however it is very rewarding
  for our times. This does not mean indulging falsehood or corruption. It means moving from us/them thinking to we consciousness, from separation to cooperation, recognizing that we human beings are ultimately far more alike than we are different.
  This is challenging in situations with people whose views are radically opposed to
  yours. Be hard on the issues at hand , and soft on the people dealing with the issues.
*Transmute your anger/fear/despair to compassion/love and purpose.
  This is a challenge for the change movement at hand , in our streets and reflected in media. Take your emotions and transmute all the
  anger/outrage of social injustice to  create the change you are looking for . Have courage and know that you are the hero ! .
  Shift from fighting the evil , ignorance , and apathy in the world to working for love with patience , compassion and understanding .
  The long-term results are very different, even if the activities appear
  identical. Action follows Being. You can not create a positive
  future by filling your mind with anger and despair. Remember to breathe consciously being aware of the in breathe , the still of the breathe and the exhale of the breath in each moment .
     Victory comes from the action of the being in each moment , not the future results. Adapt and Remain flexible in the face of changes.   Maintaining Integrity will be your protection. If your work has integrity, this will protect you from negative energy and circumstances.
  You can often avoid negative energy  with conscious practice . Embrace it and let it go . Know that you are more powerful than the thoughts and emotions  that arise within you .
What you focus on , you become. You become that which you most deeply focus your attention upon.
 You reap what you sow, so choose your actions carefully. If you engage in battles or fight, you are really fighting yourself
If you project love as you are love , you will receive more love to share .
Have Non-attachment to outcome. This might be difficult to put into practice at first, but do not attach yourself to the results of your work,  let go of attachment that everything intended or planned is going to work out exactly as we want it to .
Hold a clear intention, and let go of the outcome. Recognize that a larger wisdom is operating.

*Remember not to criticize
your adversaries. It creates more tension , hostility and aggressive behavior resulting in more the same behavior .. People respond to aggressive behavior with more aggressive behavior creating a rigid polarization and more seperation .  Continue to remain open to information you are receiving and do your best to see it from another angle or from another perspective.     Constantly challenge your own views.

 *Continue to remember  You are unique. Find and fulfill your true calling. It is better to tread your own
  path, however humbly, than that of another, however successfully. Know thyself , be thyself and share thyself , fully in each moment . The world needs more , not less of you .
  *The project of love is for the world, not for you. by projecting love and reminding others of their potential , beauty and power you are working for
  others. The full harvest of your work may not take place in your lifetime, however know your
  efforts now are creating a better life for future generations. Let that fulfillment be your reward .
  Have gratitude  for yourself for answering the call to do this work with  compassion, authenticity, valor.   Selfless service is a myth. By serving others, we serve our higher selves. It is in giving that we receive. I am we and we are you .
  We are sustained by those we serve.

*What you focus on , you become. You become that which you most deeply focus your attention upon.
 You reap what you sow, so choose your actions carefully. If you engage in battles or fight, you fight are really fighting yourself
If you project love as you are love , you will receive more love to share .

 *I invite you not to insulate yourself from the pain of the world . Closing up our hearts and mind yourself  from life  and closing off due to pain and past truamatic experiences prevents transformation for the individual and the collective !
I  invite you to Let your heart break open, and learn to move in the world with a open heart.
If something happens and we feel pain let us embrace it with tender loving care .
The  pain we feel is a  medicine which the wounded within can help  heals ourselves. When we open ourselves to the pain of the world, we become the medicine that heals the world.. A broken heart becomes an open heart,
 and genuine transformation begins.

 *Have courage of not knowing how everything is going to turn out. Let go of needing to figure it all out. Trust yourself no matter what the appearances everything is happening for a reason .
 There are 'divine' forces at work that we can trust completely without knowing their precise workings or agendas.

*Begin in silence. Just be aware  and listen. If you genuinely ask inwardly and listen for guidance,
 following  the wisdom  carefully, you will be free flowing and will find more magic in everyday life that is always happening
 *Remember that Love creates the form. Not the other way around. .Avoid the trap by knowing
any pessimism concerning our living that is not balance with an optimism concerning
 divine nature one will overlook the cure of grace. (MLK)   Our heart's love infuses our work and we will not fail and what we envision will surpass anything we have ever expected.

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